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Would this bother you??

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Ds wrote a paper for school called, "My Most Treasured (and Funniest) memory!" He went on to tell about how at a friends house during spring break, they started out stacking firewood for friends dad but it broke down into a snowball fight. Ok, so far, so good. Then one of the snowballs had dog-poo in it. Soon, they were just throwing dog-poo at eachother. Finally, friend leaped on ds from behind, "brushing his teeth w/the dog-poo"....


Ok, I am just not happy w/this. I can't believe they were doing this together and thinking it was hilarious and fun. I thought friends dad was supervising them, as we tend to have issues w/these boys running off and not making the best of decisions. But then I told my best friend and she thought it was hilarious. She's pretty conservative and really shelthers her kids so I'm thinking if SHE thinks it's funny, maybe this is just another example of my limited sense of humor. I can not think this is funny in any way and I never will. But I'd be like to hear others' opinions and I always know I can count on that here. :D


So what do you guys think??

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I think it's an example of how much "man humor" differs from "girl humor."


My dh would think it was hillarious (as long as BOTH the boys were doing it -- if it were just one "pooing" the other, another story entirely).


Me? I would have quashed it fast.

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Wow...I'm glad I didn't react the way I wanted to. It's such a gigantic, huge deal to me that they did this. I just want to cut off all contact right now w/ this guy. The fact that the responses were much milder than I had thought they might be suggests that I was dangerously close to over-reacting.....again.


Thanks for sharing!

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I'd be more bothered by this being his favorite memory than by the fact that it happened. If someone did that to me, or to anyone I know, I would no longer want to spend time with that person, because clearly they are not good for me. I know boys are different, and of course kids don't think that rationally about their friends, but why does he consider this a good thing? :confused:

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Well, I have a son who's too young to have experienced anything like this. But I did grow up with two brothers who I could totally picture doing something like this.


IMHO, I think you have to allow for an exaggeration factor here. I'm not saying your son is lying and I don't think you should accuse him of that. But it's entirely possible that the ratio of snow to poop was nowhere as bad as his words would lead you to believe. It's even possible (they were stacking wood, right?) that there was something brown that could have been wood chips and someone yelled "dog poop!" and the whole thing just built from there.


Another thought is that a boy that age isn't often going to write a paper telling about how he spent a warm meaningful touching holiday with his extended family. He needed a subject, this was something fun and certainly memorable without being girly.


I think if my son did this I would also be freaking out, BTW.:)

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I think it's an example of how much "man humor" differs from "girl humor."


My dh would think it was hillarious (as long as BOTH the boys were doing it -- if it were just one "pooing" the other, another story entirely).


Me? I would have quashed it fast.


Your choice of words is amusing!


To the OP, it IS gross. But, makes for a great paper! What a hook!


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He's kind of a germ-phobe. However, I doubt it's really true the way he told it. Surely he was embellishing to make a better story? And I wouldn't be mad at the Dad at all. 12 year old boys don't need constant supervision. Or shouldn't. If my kids were inclined to do this, they could in no time flat, and I would be surprised if another Mom thought I should be so attentive that I would notice and stop it right away. It was just dumb boy play, and I wouldn't make my son feel badly about writing it.

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about his favorite memory of playing strip poker with his friends at his birthday party. He was also 8 at the time (of the party). He used this essay for college admissions. And he got admitted to some very exclusive schools.


Honestly, I think it is completely normal little boy behavior, and whoever said that the exageration factor was likely high, is probably right, and it is most likely gross only in memory.

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Yeah, when he's in his 60's....and I'm 85, perhaps....I still kinda doubt it. I guess it'll all depend on how he turns out as an adult.:)


Ah this will be funny when he starts bringing home the dates. You can always remind him of the time he let his friend brush his teeth with dog doo doo while sitting around the dinner table with the newest crush. Oh and don't forget when he has a 12yo son and he does something similar you can remind him that payback is a *****.

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Oh, ew ew ew ew! Disease! Filth! :ack2:


However, if he hasn't died by now from exposure to dog poo, he isn't going to. And I'm in agreement with some above--I bet that story is very exaggerated. So I'd probably say something calmly about how eating dog doo isn't the best idea, and leave it at that.


My husband has 4 brothers, and he has some amazing stories. I don't know how his mom even survived.

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My 12 year old DS would be laughing hysterically at that, and it sounds exactly like the sort of thing he and his friends would say to each other. But they make up stuff like that all the time, just to be funny and gross.


Are you sure it really happened? Or were they just throwing snowballs, and maybe one did have poop, but the rest of the story is just for gross effect?

Michelle T

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I would guess it was a heavily "embroidered" story


That's exactly what I was going to say! In fact, I'm surprised no one mentioned it until this far down in the thread. I bet this is VERY exaggerated, and if you press too hard, ds will have to admit to exaggerating, and it will ruin his "best memory."


And, as far as being hurt that this is his best memory -- no way! This was his best memory at the moment he wrote that essay. A different moment, he might have picked a different "best memory." And when he's a grown man, this will not be the "best memory" he remembers from his childhood.

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I can not think this is funny in any way and I never will. But I'd be like to hear others' opinions and I always know I can count on that here. :D


So what do you guys think??


Alright, I read the OP to my husband and he laughed. I grew up with boys and I could see them doing such a thing. I can also imagine my oldest doing such a thing, but not my middle. (the older two were not here, but my 5yo laughed with my husband)



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Thank God I have daughters. Thank God I have daughters. Thank God I have daughters.


I grew up with brothers and they totally would have done this. It makes me want to :ack2:


I have 3 sisters and 3 daughters. No brothers, no sons. I tend to agree with it being embellished, but then again, I have no idea! And I'm kind of glad I don't.


Girls don't do that. Mine won't even go in the backyard if they think there might have been even one tiny bit of dog poo, anytime in the last week. They'd sooner die (and very dramatically, I might add). :lol:

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I would be quite grossed out, and I would tell him why he should never do it again, but I'd let it go at that. (After my initial shriek, "You did what?")

As for the writing assignment, I'd be thrilled he did it and came up with such an interesting story to tell. I'd certainly ask how much was true and how much was "embellishment." I'd use it as an opportunity to discuss different genres of writing - tall tales, for example!

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You know what? I just had a total flashback to 8th grade...


No dog poop involved... but we were on a family vacation (my brother and I both got to bring a friend along... the others could have too but they didn't want to.) We were on a houseboat for a week. My mom was cooking chicken and she had to deskin it. There was a lovely pile of chicken skins sitting there on a plate with no place to go. We thought we might try to use it as fishing bait. It was unsuccessful (okay, we hooked a baby turtle... let him go of course... but no fish.)


What to do with all of that chicken fat....??? I suddenly grabbed a handful of it and lobbed it at my brother's friend's back when he was turned away... and thus began the infamous "chicken fat wars" (even though it was really skin, not just fat.) It floated. It slid disgustingly down people's backs. It was awful. But it was SO much fun. That chicken fat war lasted for a good 45 minutes. Amazingly none of us got even a touch of salmonella. I don't know how we managed that.


I find chicken fat a lot less disgusting than dog poop but really... but now I look back and I can't believe we did that. But I still remember how fun it was! :lol:

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