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A simple history program that just has

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3-4 cycles of history, corresponding geography, literature books, and timeline would also be nice; not a smorgasbord of choices for activities - just simple, concise, yet goes deep. This would be for my rising 8th grader who is very dialectic, sometimes rhetoric level. I would customize for my younger from there...with appropriate literature books, but otherwise do this with them.


I'm looking for lots of ideas to research. I know I am not interested in TOG, MFW, DW. These are too involved for me. Biblical view is a must, but do not want preachy, doctrinally-saturated materials. We enjoy listening to SOTW CDs as supplemental.


I was looking at History Odyssey. It has the writing component that I wouldn't use and the timeline looks OK. If you have used this, do you think I should consider this program? Also, I would have to supplement w/more literature books. The ones listed for this level seem light for us.


I've looked at Omnibus (sort of) but thought it looked a bit dry, but perhaps I'm not giving it a chance. Again, any thoughts? I am open to hearing more about your experiences w/these or any other programs you think would be a good fit for us.


Thanks SO much!

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I didn't find Omnibus dry at all. It has a great structure, and you can even do it online as a class. I think it a bit much for 7th grade, having used it my very first year as a homeschooler for my then-9th grade ds.

It may have "too much" of a conservative Bible viewpoint for you--but we skipped some of the books and still had a fine year, esp considering it was our first. :001_smile:

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First, thank you to everyone who responded to my post. I looked at all suggestions, and really like most of what I see in Trisms and think it may be the best fit for us.


Trisms is so remarkably different from anything I've used or looked at. I have spent hours going over everything on their website (several times) in order to envision what implementation in our homeschool might look like. Phew. Still can't quite get my brain around it.


If you use Trisms... What spine(s?) do you use? Also their "resource packages" are very sparse. Could you state which subjects you add/replace. (Ie: If you add a lab science, which curriculum? Do you use their timeline? Would you begin a timeline with HM or wait until starting DAW? Re: world view, do you read portions of the Bible chronologically interspersed? Do you use a curric for that at all? Church history?


Our background: Christian (not reformed, Protestant). I tend to get "paralysis of analysis" when there's too much going on; fewer subjects, far deeper is how I operate best. Ds is a naturally independent student - if anything, I wish for a good "read aloud" spine so we can overview together. He and I *need* points of connection in this pursuit - open to ideas to facilitate this! We have a writing program (CC), Latin (Henle), Eng grammar (R&S), algebra (VT and Foerster's), spelling (SWR), gen sci (Apologia). Other things to add?


Thanks so much!! I'm beginning to feel some relief :tongue_smilie:

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Not religious but might work and is less intense than TRISMS. History Odyssey. Level 2 can be used for both middle and high school. You can add your own Bible to it as you see fit.


Realize you will be spending most of your time at the library with TRISMS or on the internet. It is all research.

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Mystery of History? I've been using it for my third child this year. There are projects/activities for the older kids and he's says he's learned more about history this year and how it fits in with the Bible than any other year. (We're doing the first Vol.) Timeline and geography assignments are also included as well as quizzes. He's doing a pretty involved lit course so I haven't worried that history may be a bit lighter.

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