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Need help with Latin translation

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For some reason I just am not getting this sentence:


Is autem, qui semper bona facere conatur, mala tamen a malis plurima patitur.


I understand the first half (He however, who always tries to do good) and I know the definitions of each of the words in the second half but I just can't put it together in a way that makes sense.


Can someone help? Pretty please?



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I'm not a expert here, but I'm guessing that you are tripping over the difference betweeen malum, the neuter noun, and malus,a, um, the 1st/2nd declension adjective. To make matters more confusing, adjectives like this can often have an implied noun associated with them: e.g. Boni (the good men)


So, this is what I get:


nevertheless [tamen (indecl)], he suffers [patitur (deponent 3rd person)] the most evils [plurissma mala n. pl. accusatives] from [a] evil men [malis (abl. plural adjective with implied noun].

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