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s/o Do you want your daughters to be stay at home moms?

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I want my daughters to have choices. I was encouraged to be a stay at home mom. My education was not prioritized to the extent my brothers was (the words, "They will have to support a family some day" were common in my home). :p


I was raised in the 60's and heard this, and similar, a lot. My kid brother was going to have to work and support a family. My sister and I could "bat your baby blues" and catch a man to take care of us!!! I was allowed to get by with easy classes and a low C average in high school - my mom was surprised when I got As in community college and went on and on getting higher degrees at increasingly difficult colleges. Later, when I won a full scholarship for a PhD program at NU, she said it was a pity it wasn't my kid sister who had gone on in college instead of me :glare: (kid sister was tested and put in gifted program in elementary while I sat, bored, in regular classes. This is the sister with a pilot husband on permanent disability now, leaving her the sole breadwinner w/o a four-year degree )

Edited by JFSinIL
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We are raising our children with traditional values and modern skills.


How's that for an answer.


I come from a family of five daughters. I worked and put my husband through college before having children. Two of my sisters were 27+ when they married. They enjoyed careers and living on their own. One is now a SAHM the other is a nurse who works part time. I have a sister that hasn't married. Her career has been vital for her. The youngest sister married right out of college, has no children and loves her career.


All that is to say that we never know what life may bring. I hope to prepare my daughters to make the best of all their opportunities and to take joy in the life they make.

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No, I do not encourage my DD to stay home. I encourage her to get an education and be in a position to make the choice that is best for her and her family...

:iagree: with this. I want my children to have the resources to make the decisions that are best for their families.

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We have encouraged our dd to pursue an education for a good career - which is what I did. If she marries and decides she wants to be a SAHM mom then we fully support that decision too - but we feel she needs to pursue all avenues to obtain a good education and do what she feels is best for her life.

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I don't have daughters (while I LOVE dsd, she and I are about as different as night at day, LOL), but if I did, here's what I'd tell them...


You don't know if you'll get married or not. So, follow the Lord's leading regarding what to study. Pick a career field that is flexible; one that you can work part time if you needed to if/when you do get married/have kids.


I'd encourage something in the medical field; sonographer, nurse, pulmonary therapist, etc.


I want my boys to marry girls who desire to stay home and raise the kids. But I'd want the young lady to have a skill she could fall back on if/when she needed to.

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