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MUS for K, which level?


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The primer is good reinforment for what will be in alpha. I would not skip it. It teaches much more than just counting. It teaches geometric shapes,addition with one, addition of doubles, addition by tens, counting by 10s,5s,&2s, place value, skip counting to find areas, tally marks, solving for the unknown, prelimary subtraction, and some telling time. Alpha builds on what's in the primer but moves more quickly.

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I'm a big believer in giving my kids lots of confidence, so I started with Primer. She loved it and felt like she was H.O.T. HOT in math! lol She flew through it, asked to do it in her spare time and was in Alpha in two months. She then flew through Alpha and is now in Beta. She's in 1st grade, so she's older than your child. I would start with Primer but not worry about the teacher's manual or dvd, just the student book.

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I did just Alpha with my oldest (spent 2 years in it) and Primer & Alpha with my second. I *loved* Primer. It is the basics out of Alpha, plus writing numbers and counting, more slowly and gently done.


The great thing about MUS is you can go at your son's pace. My second son only did about half the pages from Primer, but I think it gave him a strong foundation.


I think Alpha is actually a pretty challenging first-grade book. It really wants the student to have addition and subtraction facts down cold, absolutely memorized.


You could go to Alpha without Primer, but I would plan on it taking 2-3 years, depending on how things "click" with your child.


I was surprised, because I usually don't care for preschool and kindergarten programs, but I really loved Primer.

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