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What to do for teen runny nose

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My 14 year old has a cold. When he gets a cold his nose runs like crazy. It is starting to run today. He was supposed to play in the worship band tonight for the men's retreat. I've never given my kids over the counter stuff for a cold (and rarely for anything else) because I think the best thing to do for a cold is liquids, rest, Vit C, etc. and let it run its course. But except for the runny nose he doesn't feel too bad. I also tend to think that people that are sick should stay home, but no one else stays home with colds.


But, I am wondering about giving him something to dry him up. He really isn't congested just running. Any suggestions?


Then there is the whole other issue of at what age do you advise and let them choose and at what age do you make the call. My 17.5+ year old doesn't have a cold(or he might, but his nose doesn't run so it is hard to tell), but if he did I would let him decide.



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