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Social Studies curriculum needed (4th grade)


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I was looking into SOTW but then I heard some people say it wasn't enough.

I haven't seen it, nor have I tried any other curriculum's.

We have been homeschooling for the last 3 yrs through a distance learning school that sends us the text books. They are like public school text books.

We are not religious in our teachings, so I am looking for something secular (if possible).


Any help?



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I wouldn't consider SOTW a "social studies" curriculum, and I for one think that's a good thing. :D SOTW is a solid history curriculum. It covers the history of the whole world, in volumes; Vol. 1 covers prehistory-400 AD, Vol. 2 covers 400-1600 AD, Vol. 3 covers 1600-1850, including American history from founding-civil war, and Vol. 4 covers world & American history, 1850-present. It was designed to use in grades 1-4, but a lot of people use it later and supplement with additional history & biography books from the library. That's what we do, we are in mid 4th grade and are just finishing up with Vol. 2. I will definitely use additional materials to beef up American history along with Vol. 3 & 4.


So I guess it depends on what you are looking for . . . Have you checked out a copy of The Well-Trained Mind? It explains the use of history as the core of the curriculum, and offers a critique of "social studies" as commonly experienced through public school textbooks. It would definitely help you figure out if SOTW is for you, philsophically (same authors).


ETA: It's not a religious curriculum, although the authors are Christian and some feel there is a judeo-christian religious bias . . . I'm a secular homeschooler, and I like it a lot. If you can check it out at your local library, that would be a great way to see for yourself


Anyway, welcome and good luck!

Edited by rroberts707
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SOTW sounds great, because I really wan to branch off of the public school like curriculum. I wanted something deeper, more info, fun, etc. We aren't going with the distance learning school as of next year.


For the 4th grade curriculum which books are you supplementing with it?

Thanks :)

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