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Need a pick up and go spelling program with good RETENTION for ds9


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He is just turning 9, in 3rd grade. We did PR1 and that was good, but too $$ and too involved. So I tried to piece together my own mish-mosh and that is not getting done.


I just need something pick up and go, but that has good retention. Something simple, in a book, not like AAS with manipulatives and all that.


I have heard the retention isn't good with Spelling Workout; is that true? What else is there? Maybe Rod and Staff?


By "retention" I mean I want him to be able to apply the spellings to his writing, not just learn it for the spelling test! :)

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Spelling has been the bane of our homeschooling, but finally, FINALLY, I have found something that works (for dd8 at least :001_smile:).


We tried AAS....epic fail with dd.


We tried Spelling Plus with Dictation book...no retention.


We tried HTTS with the workbooks...too much work for me to figure it out.


Now we are using Apples and Pears. We have been using it for about 2 weeks. In just 2 weeks, dd's spelling has improved 100%. It's totally open and go (which I love), has fun puzzles and dictation (which dd loves), and is constantly reviewing previously learned material (which is what has led to the best retention out of any program we've tried).


I'm sold! :D My spelling woes have been solved!


I :001_wub: Apples and Pears!

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I finally dumped my old spelling program in favor of Spelling Power. It took me 40 min to figure it out and now takes us about 15-20 min a day to use. My DD and I both love it. It comes with a disc to print things yourself, so no need to buy the log books. Good luck with whatever you choose. :001_smile:

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