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Do you get regular manicures & pedicures, etc?

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I'm just wondering, how often do you treat yourself to a pedicure, manicure, massage, facial, or other spa services? I know several women who have a monthly "personal maintainence" budget and have standing appointments for these services. One woman I know has her teeth professionally whitened several times a year. Another has standing appts. for bikini and eyebrow waxing.


The last time I got a massage was about a year ago and I got a mani/pedi about 2 years ago (both were gifts from DH). I balked at the $16.99 I paid for a generic teeth-whitening kit from Target!


When I told one of my friends that I hadn't gotten my hair cut (professionally) in over 8 years, she was horrified. I guess I am just a beauty misfit!

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My wife hasn't had her hair cut in several years, four or five IIRC. But that has more to do with difficulty finding a stylist in all of Dallas-Fort Worth who doesn't immediately try to hack her hair off, color it, and do other bizarre things involving "styling". She'll get a pedi about, oh, once every 6 months to a year, although I do what I can on the mani- and pedi- front for her about once a fiscal quarter.


She's not a fan of massage, so I quit offering.


As for me: hair cuts at my barber once every 6-8 weeks. I used to get a manicure, too, but tighter budgets combined with some medical issues have had that struck from the agenda.


When we are "in funds" I'll get a professional massage monthly. When we're not, I do without.


Clear as mud, no? ;)

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I can't remember the last time I had a manicure, b/c they just don't hold up for me. Too much dish washing, diaper changing, sports equipment hauling, etc.


I do love pedicures, but I don't get them regularly; maybe twice/year.


I have had a few massages over the past few years, but, as with the pedicures, it isn't a regular thing.


I did get a gift certificate for my birthday recently to a local spa, so I need to decide if I'll be getting a decent haircut or a pedicure or a massage with that.



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My wife hasn't had her hair cut in several years, four or five IIRC. But that has more to do with difficulty finding a stylist in all of Dallas-Fort Worth who doesn't immediately try to hack her hair off, color it, and do other bizarre things involving "styling". She'll get a pedi about, oh, once every 6 months to a year, although I do what I can on the mani- and pedi- front for her about once a fiscal quarter.


She's not a fan of massage, so I quit offering.


As for me: hair cuts at my barber once every 6-8 weeks. I used to get a manicure, too, but tighter budgets combined with some medical issues have had that struck from the agenda.


When we are "in funds" I'll get a professional massage monthly. When we're not, I do without.


Clear as mud, no? ;)


If she wants to drive up to Colleyville I have a great hair girl who makes suggestions but also really listens to what I want or don't want. She's never tried to do anything bizarre to my hair, but she makes really good suggestions when I'm not sure what I do want.

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Dh sent me to a spa last fall for our anniversary. So that was my last mani/pedi/massage. I need my toes done again now that it's sandal season, I could care less about my hands. I have a sweet friend who's a massage therapist and she likes to offer the expectant moms at our church a free massage, so I'll be taking her up on that in a few weeks.



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I get my hair cut a couple of times a year, and now that I've found a stylist who doesn't do hideous things to my curly hair, I'm trying to go a little more regularly.


I had a manicure the week before I got married. And I too cringe at the cost of a whiten-at-home kit from Target. ;) (Oh, and I do "deal with" my gray hair. I've been going gray since my very early 20s, and have no desire to give in quite yet.)

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Since I quit teaching and we became a one income family six years ago, I have not had a mani or pedi. I do get my hair cut and highlighted 5ish times a year.


I try to keep my nails trimmed and shapely, but my feet are a mess. I remember looking at my mom's feet and thinking "good grief woman..do something about your feet!" now I am not a lot better. ;)

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I've never had a manicure or any of the professional spa treatment stuff, though I do give myself facials at home. A couple of years ago I started getting my hair cut at a salon instead of having my husband chop off a bit, and I love it! They are really nice and I enjoy a little bit of pampering--a haircut comes with a neck massage and hand treatment and snackies. I do that about every 12 weeks.

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I'm just wondering, how often do you treat yourself to a pedicure, manicure, massage, facial, or other spa services? I know several women who have a monthly "personal maintainence" budget and have standing appointments for these services. One woman I know has her teeth professionally whitened several times a year. Another has standing appts. for bikini and eyebrow waxing.


The last time I got a massage was about a year ago and I got a mani/pedi about 2 years ago (both were gifts from DH). I balked at the $16.99 I paid for a generic teeth-whitening kit from Target!


When I told one of my friends that I hadn't gotten my hair cut (professionally) in over 8 years, she was horrified. I guess I am just a beauty misfit!


Well, I am guilty of two things on your list. I do get pedicures, but not manicures. I am very hard on my hands and I like to keep my nails really short so there would be no point in manicures. Pedicures I just love. I teach Body Flow and am barefoot when doing so and I like for my piggies to look pretty. I pay $22 with a tip every 3-4 weeks. You can get long life out of a pedicure so I think that it is worth it. The secret to keeping a mani/pedi a long time is top coat. Top coat after you get home from having it done and top coat once a week.


The second thing I am guilty of is waxing, but let's not go there.;)

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When I told one of my friends that I hadn't gotten my hair cut (professionally) in over 8 years, she was horrified. I guess I am just a beauty misfit!


In looking at your avatar I would say that as long as you keep wearing that hat you don't really need to worry about haircuts!

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than have someone else work on my feet. I did it once and I just could not bear it. I just hated the whole experience of paying someone to mess with my feet. I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I am also not sure why other women feel differently. My father is convinced that only women with toe fungus feel compelled to paint their toe nails. I actually do pain my sometimes, though - I just do it myself.


I don't have manicures because I am very hard on my hands. I play the piano and I garden without gloves, and I prefer to just keep my nails very short. I always feel like you never know what's growing under long, darkly painted nails:)


I do get my hair done sometimes. Recently I had it highlighted and I really like it. So it's not that I am not vain. I'm actually pretty vain. It's just not reflected in my toe nails or my finger nails!

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Honestly, these things are on my wish list. I get my hair cut every one to two years. Teeth whitening? Nope. Pedicure? Nope. Manicure? Never.


If money were no object I would get acrylic nails (I'm a nail biter), a pedicure (I have nasty heels), prof. teeth whitening and a new bridge (for some reason the silver backing of my bridge shines through and it looks like I have gray teeth), regular haircuts and prof. color (I tried at home color once and my hair turned red!).


I don't believe for one second that I will ever have these things so I just stay homely.

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I got a manicure once, about eighteen years ago. Never had a pedicure, although I have thought recently about painting my toenails. My last professional haircut was about six years ago -- now dh cuts it when I want it shorter.

Guess I'm pretty low maintenance. (But I just got contacts again, after several years of glasses, and bought some Everyday Mineral makeup after seeing a recommendation on this board, so I am not a total slacker!)

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I get a pedicure once a year (always on a gift card from dh, usually for Christmas. I get the pedicure done right before we go down the shore).


I don't want anyone massaging me, thank you very much. Heck, I barely ever wanna "chat" with dh, let alone have some stranger manhandling me ;)


I get my eyebrows waxed every now and then, as needed (right before I start looking like a man).


My mother colors my hair; my stylist cuts it.


Oh, and I've had my legs waxed once, right before my wedding day almost 19 years ago. The sting is just now starting to go away. ;)

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My main indulgence of vanity is a professional cut and highlight of my hair. I got into the professional cut habit as a business woman in my twenties dealing with clients a full generation older than me. Professional hair helped my image. The highlights are simply fun. I always thought I'd highlight or color my hair when I started going gray....I'm 51 now and not going gray yet. A few years ago, I decided I was missing out on the fun, so I started highlighting.


I'd enjoy a mani and pedi, but have never had one I had to pay for. The same with facials, massages, and other spa stuff. I like pampering myself, but I hate spending money to do so.


In the past year, I've begun playing with nail polish. I've always bitten my nails and last year, I stopped. My nails are still short, but I'm having fun painting them wild colors. In the summer, my toes are always painted a rainbow of colors. It's artsy and quite fun...and it takes a half an hour once a week or so to keep nice.


I firmly believe in a pedi scrub tool. I have one that looks like a feminine version of a file that I use to scrub the dead, dry skin of my heels. I garden a lot in sandals. Taking care of the tootsies feels great.

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I love getting pedicures! Most of mine come from gift cards which dh and/or dc sweetly give me every Mother's Day, birthday, anniversary, and Christmas.


Back when I wore a suit and heels to work every day, I would frequently get my hair highlighted. Now, the gray grows out so quickly that I would have to have it colored and then highlighted every 4 weeks. There is no way I'm going to spend that much money (or time) on myself each month. So, about every 5 or 6 weeks, I color my hair myself. Actually, it needs to be done right now. :ack2:


I've had one or two manicures in my life, but they are nothing that I want to make a normal part of my routine. My fingernails are short, and look like the fingernails of a busy mom of 4. ;)

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I've never had a manicure, pedicure, facial, waxing, or any of that sort of stuff...I don't wear nailpolish and rarely any sort of makeup (I hate how it feels and haven't a clue how to use most of it) and my hair lives in either braids or a ponytail with a scrunchie and gets a few inches cut off every 8 or so years. :tongue_smilie:

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One year ago this weekend. For my wedding. :D


The time before that was at the insistence of my now husband - who, unbeknownst to me, was going to ask for my hand in marriage at a party.


Before that was.......um....my other wedding now 16 years ago!



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I've never had a manicure or a pedicure, and I've been cutting my own hair for several years now.

I do care about my appearance, but I don't find it necessary to pay someone else to do these things for me.


I have never had a manicure and I have had one pedicure that my grandma got me for mother's day a couple years ago. I get my hair cut about once per year, but I go as a hair model for trainees (my friend is a manager at a salon). It is a nice salon, but it takes a long time since they are learning and they have to have someone there helping them. It is usually free when I do this. I always tell my dh how low maintenance I am. I also don't hardly ever buy make-up or products for my hair. One time I tried to calculate how much I save my dh compared to some of my good friends! :001_smile:

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Pedicure every 4-6 weeks, manicures whenever I get a chance -- might be every two weeks, might be 4-6 weeks when I get the pedi. Eyebrow wax whenever I get too fuzzy -- every few months, maybe. (i'm blonde, so they last)


But I get a deal on these things, so that makes it easier. I used to tutor one of the daughters of the owner when she was struggling in the 6th grade (we connected because I was already a regular). Also, I recently wrote a recco letter when this daughter was turned down for admission to a magnet high school (the one where DH teaches). She was accepted after her appeal was reviewed. She's getting straight A's, but I think that has more to do with her growing up a lot than with any magic that I could ever do. I've told the mom this too, but she won't charge me regular price. And she gets mad if I try to tip her.


If I didn't have this deal, I would still go get "groomed," but likely not as often.


Also, I get a haircut and highlights about every 12-14 weeks. Again, I'm not paying what a walk-in would. I've been with her for about 12 years now, and I've sent others her way who have also become regulars. So while it definitely isn't free, it also isn't what it could be either.


I didn't grow up this high-maintenance. It just sort of evolved over time. Heaven help us, though, cause we have two daughters who tag along with me!

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I get my hair cut about once every 8 weeks. I highlight it about 3x/year.


Massage - I just had one yesterday!!! A 90 minute massage - in my house!!! I had a gift certificate for 30 minutes and upgraded to 90 for only $40!!! Gotta love that! I get a massage about once/month. When I'm pregnant I splurge and go once/week.


Mani/Pedi - Nearly never. I LOVE it. Just don't have the time right now.


Waxing - well, I have questions about that. Elaine? Yoo-hoo!! Really - tell me about it???!!!

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I get my hair cut about once every 8 weeks. I highlight it about 3x/year.


Massage - I just had one yesterday!!! A 90 minute massage - in my house!!! I had a gift certificate for 30 minutes and upgraded to 90 for only $40!!! Gotta love that! I get a massage about once/month. When I'm pregnant I splurge and go once/week.


Mani/Pedi - Nearly never. I LOVE it. Just don't have the time right now.


Waxing - well, I have questions about that. Elaine? Yoo-hoo!! Really - tell me about it???!!!



I'll PM you. It's been a touchy subject in the past and I don't want anyone getting knickers in a knot.;)

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Seriously, I've only had one manicure -- a few days before my wedding some 15 years ago. It was a gift from a friend, and wasn't that thrilled with it. Too high maintenance.


Since then I haven't indulged in anything but haircuts (smile). I have pretty short hair and go every four weeks with my son. I color it myself with L'Oreal's help every six weeks or so.

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Hee Hee. I just realized this, but every time a have a baby I get a massage, and haircut/color. The massage is a pregnancy massage and the haircut/color is after the baby is born! I guess I'll have to either have a large family, or really long hair.....:laugh:

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Never had a pedicure or manicure, I cut my own hair, but I'm dying for a massage. My poor dh has carpal tunnel and works hard all day so his hands are killing him by the time he gets home. I don't have money to pay a real massuese (sp?) so I'm training the 10 year old to rub my back.

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I have only had one pedicure in my entire life and that was about 2 years ago and I'm 45. I desperately need another one.:D I've had a couple of manicures. Never had a massage. Have always wanted to get the teeth whitening stuff from target, but can't bring myself to spend the money. I do get my hair trimmed regularly. All of these things are things I'd do routinely if I had money to do them. I just can't see paying for things that I can take care of on my own. Now...if we get in a position that I don't have to do them for myself, I thing a little pampering can go a long way. I'd love to have these things on my schedule routinely. I could really go for that!:auto:

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1. A manicure

2. A pedicure

3. A spa treatment

4. A massage


The last professional haircut I had was, I think, four years ago.


About once every two years, I bring up the possibility of getting my hair colored and professionally cut. But then I usually stall around until I get interested in something else, instead.

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I've had manicures and pedicures, but, only because my mom was treating me.


I was considering a spa day as a treat for finishing out the school year and getting a big project done.


DH left the ball in my court.....I can't spend that money.....I'm too practical...But, if he bought the day for me and MADE me go, I could do it.


Weirdo me huh?!?!


So, I'm just sticking with my starbucks.:driving:

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I feel so spoiled after reading the other replies, but honestly, I have just grown up with regular manis/pedis, etc. My dds are sometime "treated" to mini mani/pedis. A lady comes to our house and does them along with hair if you want her to. Everyone I know does this. Everyone I know either gets lasered or waxed regularly. I have a girlfriend who used to spend more on her hair every month than I spent on curriculum for a year! Lots of colored, blown, styled hair here. Massages and facials a couple of time a year for me and that's considered "not enough" around these parts. Maybe it's because you don't wear a lot of clothes in the tropics. ;)

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My nails are currently longer than they have ever been so I am thinking about getting another one here soon. I have never had a pedicure. I can't stand to have any white part of the nail on any of my toes so I have no idea how they would do a pedicure. I have had my legs and underarms waxed once about 7 years ago and haven't braved it again since then. I am planning to do the underarms here soon as my vision is going and I have a really hard time seeing what I am doing which makes me nervous. I do get my hair cut and permed about one or twice a year. I get professional messages at my chiropractors but they are theraputic in nature and not neccesarily relaxing. Plus my health insurance covers them otherwise I wouldn't get them. All in all, I am a low maintenance gal.

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I can manicure and pedicure my own nails, so I don't pay someone to do it for me. I'm all for everyone having all the manis and pedis they want, though.


I go to the hairdresser whenever my hair gets on my nerves. I am supposed to go every 2 months, but rarely make it more than once or twice a year. I adore my hairdresser, but I do not like hanging around beauty salons.


I've never had a massage. I worked for a guy once who had a massage therapist come to his office every day. I thought that was great, and if I could afford it, I'd spring for it.


I don't cut my own hair. If you could see what I have done to other people's hair, you'd know why. I love cutting hair, but I'm no good at it. People end up practically bald, and I don't want to do that to myself.



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I've had one manicure in my life - on my wedding day almost 7 years ago. Never had a pedi.


I color my own hair - recently DH has started helping - yes, I have my own personal colorist who makes house calls. LOL!


I also wax my own upper lip - first time I did it, my hands were shaking and I missed about half of what I was trying to get, but now I just RRRIIIIIPPPP and there's nothing to it.


The local technical school has 2-3 weeks of "final exams" where the public can - after making an appointment, paying $20, and filling out a questionnaire afterward about the experience - get a full body massage. For $20, it's not bad! Although, it was hard to do the questionnaire after the massage because I felt like jelly... ;)

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I have really let myself slide since moving to the mountains. Nothing at all here to help me get pretty and I have to show for it: short fingernails and cracked dry skin on my thumbs, decent feet (thanks to PedEgg) but no toenail polish (too busy to apply), the highlights on my hair have grown out at least an inch, and my face continues to age each month. Spa day? I think I need a Spa Year to get back on track.

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