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Need ideas for a year of geography/missionaries/world studies for 4th grader


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Not Galloping the Globe or WinterPromise-I did portions of those w/ older dc and it was just ok. My Father's World doesn't look like it would interest him.


Is there any other curriculum that does this? I think the Sonlight 5 is too old for him.


I thought about just making up my own but I'd really rather have something that is already DONE!

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What is it about MFW that you think wouldn't interest him? Maybe there's something you're not "seeing" online that we can help explain or clarify. Or maybe browse the Ideas and Archive forums for ECC to get a little more insight into how it plays out in different families?






Another idea is A Child's Geography... there are two books, depending on which part(s) of the world you want to study: http://www.aholyexperience.com/best-books-list/

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Thank you for these suggestions. I am looking into them.


Hunter, the Harvest Ministry is close to what I'm looking for but I wanted to spend more time on each place. I'm going to look at it more closely. I hoped to not have to tweak very much though.


Mommy22-EE looks GREAT but a little below his level.


Donna-I will ck out the links-maybe there is more to it that I am somehow missing. It just basically looks like a reading schedule; there is not as much in the notes as I had hoped. I am not criticizing MFW at all; I just don't think he will like the atlases and some of the books, etc. I think he would like a wider focus. I may consider using it as a base to start from, but it is kind of expensive to have to tweak to be what we want. Also, we did A Child's Geog Vol II last yr w/ Ancients and loved it! I'm hoping for something a little more fleshed out though.

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Thank you for these suggestions. I am looking into them.


Hunter, the Harvest Ministry is close to what I'm looking for but I wanted to spend more time on each place. I'm going to look at it more closely. I hoped to not have to tweak very much though.


Mommy22-EE looks GREAT but a little below his level.


Donna-I will ck out the links-maybe there is more to it that I am somehow missing. It just basically looks like a reading schedule; there is not as much in the notes as I had hoped. We did A Child's Geog Vol II last yr w/ Ancients and loved it! I'm hoping for something a little more fleshed out though.


What notes are you looking at? If it's the online sample lessons, there's only one week shown, so you're right, it doesn't look like much from that. :glare: ECC includes a lot of hands-on activities: crafts/projects, cooking/recipes, music, the geography game (colored pieces pre-made on cardstock, included in the Student Sheet set), notebooking, coloring pages, and of course a LOT of mapwork. Also, depending on time, ability, and interest level, he might want to go ahead and do some or all of the research assignments that are suggested for "advanced" students.


The year starts out with the read-aloud Kingdom Tales, which is a trilogy series that's OOP, which MFW has bound together in one volume and added discussion questions at the end of each chapter. You'll also read God Speaks Numangangg which tells the true story of a missionary family who went to Papua New Guinea to write first an alphabet, and eventually the Bible for a people group that previously had no written language of their own. My two oldest cried the first time we read that. (It's written to children and includes real photographs.) All this is while you're doing the Intro unit of ECC, and then you move on to North America and go outward from there.


In addition to the scheduled read-alouds (which are the books you see in the package on the website), there's an extensive (optional) booklist inside the TM for more books and videos as time and interest allow. This list is broken down into week numbers so that you know what to get ahead of time, either from the library or purchased. There are about, I don't know, 300? titles on this list from which to choose.


And then of course there's the science.... nature walks are scheduled every week, and there's always a drawing and/or science experiment to go along with them. Properties of Ecosystems has lessons in it for both older and younger learning levels, and both that and the Living World Encyclopedia have many colorful pictures in them.


It's definitely NOT just a reading schedule. Take a look through those threads I linked and see what others have done with it. :001_smile:


Here's one mom's blog showing a week in ECC.... notice she chose to do lapbooks in addition to what's scheduled: http://tammiestime.blogspot.com/2011/05/our-study-of-australia-and-coral-reefs.html


And here's another one you might enjoy (scroll down to see some of their ECC activities): http://sonsetacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/ECC

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Donna-I emailed MFW to send me a couple other random weeks of ECC so I can get a better idea.


Your post was very helpful (especially the part about the optional booklist!) and I am going to look at the links and blogs more now. I like that I can also use it w/ dd 7th grade.


I may find this on the links, but what other mapwork is there besides the Geography Game? Can you plz describe it? Where are the maps from? (are they pages for them to do, color, fill in names of rivers, etc or what?)


Thanks so much!

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Donna-I emailed MFW to send me a couple other random weeks of ECC so I can get a better idea.


Your post was very helpful (especially the part about the optional booklist!) and I am going to look at the links and blogs more now. I like that I can also use it w/ dd 7th grade.


I may find this on the links, but what other mapwork is there besides the Geography Game? Can you plz describe it? Where are the maps from? (are they pages for them to do, color, fill in names of rivers, etc or what?)


Thanks so much!


Yes. ;) All of the above. There are maps included in the student sheets which will be both labeled and colored, as well as the different biomes around the world... landforms, animal and plant habitats, weather climates (ecosystems). Each of the atlases included are used for different purposes throughout the year, some for "geography" and some for science (geology in this case), so those will be used for reference as he completes his own maps from the student notebooking pages. (Of course, science also includes a study of plants and animals around the world, not just solid earth.)


Oh, and at the end of of the manual you'll find an extra two weeks' worth of the grid which are blank. This is so you can spend those last two weeks (assuming you're doing a 36-week school year) studying the country of your choice, in addition to what was scheduled during the year.


He'll also study missionary aviation, languages, different religions around the world, and plenty more. :)

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