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Goal Weight- what did it take to lose those last 10lbs

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I've been struggling against the same 15lbs for a while- I'm 5' 11" and weigh 164 and want to weigh 155 which was before DS4. I did the 'big' weight loss after DS was born- lost 45lbs thru careful eating & exercise, but never got the whole way back to where I wanted. IMy body seems most familiar with this weight because I've maintained it for 4 years...so I know it may be slow going to now get below it.


With juicing, I lost 5 of the 15lbs in 2 weeks, and may continue to lose more (but I'm now eating 1 meal a day, plus regular snacks) but full time juicing is not realistic or maintainable for me. Plus, I was juicing for health- not weight loss.


I exercise minimum 5x a week- cardio, weights, yoga/pilates.


So my question- if you felt like you met resistance getting below a certain weight, what was it that helped you get off those last stubborn 10 pounds to get you to that goal weight?



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I ate strictly only 3 small meals a day for 6 weeks. I felt hungry all the time - painfully so for the first week or so, comfortably so thereafter. I cut out all 'junk' and sugar, so ate mainly fruit, vegetables and dairy (I'm vegetarian). I did it during the six weeks before Christmas, so when I felt really hungry and deprived, I just promised myself lots of lovely treats at Christmas. It worked, and I'm still at a weight I'm happy with over a year later.


Oh, and I didn't really exercise. I have a big house that takes a lot to keep clean and tidy, and I go for a walk a couple of times a week - that's all the time and energy I have for exercise really.


Best wishes




ETA I'm 5' 8" and weigh 130 lbs

Edited by Cassy
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I am also 5'11". Last September I weighed 168. I am now down to 153. It has been a slow process. I joined myfitnesspal.com and keep track of everything I eat. I also keep track of exercise on the site. It is the only way I have been successful. I had no idea the actual amount of calories in the food I was eating everyday.


:iagree: I got down to my fight weight by tracking. I did WW and used their manual tracking guide. Tracking really helped me with portion control and choosing nutritional dense food.


The other thing that made a difference was to weigh my lean meats and casserole type meals. I am so bad at estimating and when I weighed my food there was no quesition of how many WW points I ate.

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Well, at least you all agree- LOL. It sounds like its a full-on calorie reduction/intake tracking that needs to take place. I've done this successfully in the past, but it is a lot of work/effort- I guess i hoped that by cutting back it would work.


I'm going to start tracking again- better 6 weeks of tedious effort with results, than 12 weeks of hoping/blindly trying and nada.

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Guest submarines
I've been struggling against the same 15lbs for a while- I'm 5' 11" and weigh 164 and want to weigh 155 which was before DS4. I did the 'big' weight loss after DS was born- lost 45lbs thru careful eating & exercise, but never got the whole way back to where I wanted. IMy body seems most familiar with this weight because I've maintained it for 4 years...so I know it may be slow going to now get below it.


With juicing, I lost 5 of the 15lbs in 2 weeks, and may continue to lose more (but I'm now eating 1 meal a day, plus regular snacks) but full time juicing is not realistic or maintainable for me. Plus, I was juicing for health- not weight loss.


I exercise minimum 5x a week- cardio, weights, yoga/pilates.


So my question- if you felt like you met resistance getting below a certain weight, what was it that helped you get off those last stubborn 10 pounds to get you to that goal weight?




I'm 5'11.5", 166lb. My goal is 155 as well. I lost 40 lb after DD was born, then another 10lb 2 year ago. I've been stuck on 170lb since. Occasionally gaining 5lb, then losing 5lb, and so on.


Two months ago I lost 8lb (to 162lb) with low carb diet, but then gained the 4lb back when I decided I really wanted to eat everything I made for the kids--pancakes, puddings, cookies, muffins...:001_huh: I'm grateful I didn't gain more, actually. :D


Now, I'm back to wanting to lose "the last 10 (11 lol)" lbs. I am back on a stricter version of the low carb diet (17 days diet). Day 2.


I normally eat low / no sugar, low carb, but go through phases where I start eating more carbs than usual, an gain 4-5 lb within a week.


I think a more long term low carb will work great for me. I had great results with both South Beach and the 17 day diet.


My problem is that I'm not a perfectionist, and I get quite satisfied with my body at around 170lb, especially while clothed. :001_huh: I need to imagien myself in a swimming suit more--maybe this will motivate me to achieve the goal weight.

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Guest submarines
Well, at least you all agree- LOL. It sounds like its a full-on calorie reduction/intake tracking that needs to take place. I've done this successfully in the past, but it is a lot of work/effort- I guess i hoped that by cutting back it would work.


I'm going to start tracking again- better 6 weeks of tedious effort with results, than 12 weeks of hoping/blindly trying and nada.


Well, I don't agree :tongue_smilie:. Higher in fat, , low sugar (including fruits) low carb diet works well without calorie counting. :D

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Well, I don't agree :tongue_smilie:. Higher in fat, , low sugar (including fruits) low carb diet works well without calorie counting. :D



Herein lies the issue....I am juicing which is carby (beets, carrots etc plus, I allow myself 1 fruit per juice- most juices are 60% green- kale, spinach, cucumber, celery)- ANYWAY, I think I need to keep track because calorie wise I "should' be losing more w all the juicing, but am not.


Plus, I've never ever lost weight w/out counting calories (Ok, except for when I was running higher mileage in training for a half-marathon)

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Guest submarines
Herein lies the issue....I am juicing which is carby (beets, carrots etc plus, I allow myself 1 fruit per juice- most juices are 60% green- kale, spinach, cucumber, celery)- ANYWAY, I think I need to keep track because calorie wise I "should' be losing more w all the juicing, but am not.


Plus, I've never ever lost weight w/out counting calories (Ok, except for when I was running higher mileage in training for a half-marathon)


Maybe you are not consuming enough calories? This can prevent weight loss.


Well, we are the same height, and almost the same weight. Wanna check in in 15 days? :tongue_smilie: For extra motivation? I almost ate an avocado tonight, when wasn't hungry, just because I felt like eating it, but then I resisted. :D


Good luck with your journey! Those last 10lb are so darn hard.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Maybe you are not consuming enough calories? This can prevent weight loss.


Well, we are the same height, and almost the same weight. Wanna check in in 15 days? :tongue_smilie: For extra motivation? I almost ate an avocado tonight, when wasn't hungry, just because I felt like eating it, but then I resisted. :D


Good luck with your journey! Those last 10lb are so darn hard.


OK- I'm back 20 days later and I've lost 8lbs total- (only 3lbs in the last 3 weeks)...am at 160 and only 5 more to go (ok, I guess I had 13+ to lose- LOL) but I've stalled out again..I'm primarily focused on juicing & eating as raw & lean as possible, and I think for the last 1.5 weeks I've not been eating enough. So now I'm working on ensuring I'm getting at least 1500cal per day, but high quality as possible.


Verrrrrrrry slow going- sometimes I really wonder if I"m going at all...

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