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Regis and Kelly?

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I happened to have it on:) They are doing an oscar after-show.


Good gracious! Yesterday they were all, "We cannot do our Big Announcement as the contract is not finalized," and all it was for was an after party? :tongue_smilie:


I was hoping it was a Regis replacement. Darn it!

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No replacement yet. I wish they would hire Neil Patrick Harris but he likely has better things to do:)


Atticus Shaffer is going to be on Monday's show. He's from "The Middle". Homeschooled kid. Very quirky on the show and in real life. I love TiVo!


I am so bad with names, but I really wanted it to be the guy from a couple days ago. The one with the shaved head who used to have his own game show. If dh were here he would know who I was talking about. :D

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I am so bad with names, but I really wanted it to be the guy from a couple days ago. The one with the shaved head who used to have his own game show. If dh were here he would know who I was talking about. :D


I was up in the middle of the night and had ABC news on. They said there were rumors that it would be Howie. Howie or Kelly's husband would be my first choices. They both crack me up.

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I can't take "any" of Howie. As much as I like Kelly, I couldn't watch if Howie was Regis' replacement. But maybe I'm the only one that finds him completely annoying/total whack-a-doodle. Lol :D


No you are not the only one. :tongue_smilie: Whack-a-doodle. :lol:


I like Kelly and Mark together....but I can only take so muc of that show....like once a month or something.

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I can't take "any" of Howie. As much as I like Kelly, I couldn't watch if Howie was Regis' replacement. But maybe I'm the only one that finds him completely annoying/total whack-a-doodle. Lol :D


No, you are not the only one. I've never liked that guy. I thought he was annoying in the 80s with his lame stand-up act, but he's even worse now when he tries to act serious. I watched Americs's Got Talent for the first time last week and I had to shut it off because of him.


I don't see how the show can keep going without Regis. I was not a big Kathie Lee fan, but I liked them together. Kelly was ok, but I don't think she can carry the show.

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