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Old Fashioned Education.


I looked at it, but didn't like all of the book choices, plus didn't want all of my dc on a different history/science. Plus, I prefer to just buy books already printed; I really don't like having to do all that printing. If I were suddenly in a situation with no books and no library and no money, and just a computer with internet, then I'm sure I'd take another look at OFE. But I still wouldn't use every single book suggestion; I'm sure I'd figure out a way to combine my dc for Bible, history, and science. There are so many free resources available on the internet these days; there's really no reason to use just OFE unless you just really like the simplicity of having it all scheduled out for you.


(Please note: I mean no offense to those who might happen to use and love OFE. I'm just speaking as someone with a large family and a desire to learn together. And in case you check my siggie, yes, we are leaving HOD next year so that we can all learn Bible, history, and science together.)

Edited by lotsofpumpkins
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Thanks that's very helpful. I am single working mom so the simplicity of it appeals to me. I like the CM method but would like a bit of gramma etc earlier due to provincial learning outcomes. I just got a free samsung galaxy so free books are a perk. Although I get 1000 per year for my dd from our registered school I can use it to out towards piano dance etc which would be more than what I could provide as a single income. I only have one child. I like thy OFE has booms divided by subject which makes it easier for me to change. I also appreciate that there is *some* workbook stuff which will be useful on days when DD goes to another hs families because I work (maybe once or twice a month, joys of shift work).


Any other opinions would be helpful!

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