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Writing Tales question


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Do you assign a grade for the work completed? If so, how do you access a grade? I have to turn in grades twice a year.

My dd completes all work neatly and accurately, although is unsure about the creative writing part as this is something new for her.

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Well I didn't do grades, but I think you should be able to do it, no problem. You want it to be an objective measure of how well she met the criteria of the assignment. I would start with the checklist and see how far that gets you. If the grammar or skill of the lesson was say adjectives or using a thesaurus or whatever, then I would quantify your expectations (3 for C, 4 for B, 5 for A). Then I'd assign points or percentage weights to each thing and turn that into a grade. Don't make it hard: meeting the bare minimum is a C, a bit more is a B, and excelling is an A. I'd have a very small percentage of your grade be subjective and the rest objective, with her either meeting the checklist requirements or not. The creative additions are a small portion of her work, and again I would quantify it. Doing 0-1 of the creative additions suggested is C level work, doing 2-3 is B, and 4+ is A level work. Or knock that down by 1, but you get the idea.


I think you could do it either way, either just looking at the work as a whole and assigning a grade, nuts or even grading by the semester (did she complete the work or not?), or you could be really detailed and make a rubric based on the checklist. Since you have to assign grades, I wouldn't be any more detailed about it than what the group requires that you're reporting to. Is this for the state or an umbrella school or something different?

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