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Speaking of babies..has anyone seen this?!?

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My friend had a 15lb baby (homebirth, no meds) and she is just a tall, big boned gal. She's not heavy or overweight, just a big person. Her husband is also really big and muscular. Her first two were around 10lbs, but she was induced well before her due date. She wanted to avoid that so she chose a homebirth for the third. The midwife was warned and tried some (then) new technique for large babies. Whatever it was, it worked like a charm, and while I wouldn't say it was easy, the birth was uneventful. Well, except for a baby being born.


Another friend had a maybe 12lb baby, also at home, with no meds. That baby was really long. The midwife said, "oh my, this baby just keeps coming and coming!"


Neither had gd, but that is a good question. Some women just have big babies.

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Did she have GD? I wonder why her babies are so big. It's not necessarily eating/ gaining a lot during pregnancy... my mom gained 15 lbs with me and I was born 10 lbs way back in the 70s...


I wondered the same thing...I don't believe they said whether she did or not.


My friend had a 15lb baby (homebirth, no meds) and she is just a tall, big boned gal. She's not heavy or overweight, just a big person. Her husband is also really big and muscular. Her first two were around 10lbs, but she was induced well before her due date. She wanted to avoid that so she chose a homebirth for the third. The midwife was warned and tried some (then) new technique for large babies. Whatever it was, it worked like a charm, and while I wouldn't say it was easy, the birth was uneventful. Well, except for a baby being born.


Another friend had a maybe 12lb baby, also at home, with no meds. That baby was really long. The midwife said, "oh my, this baby just keeps coming and coming!"


Neither had gd, but that is a good question. Some women just have big babies.


15lbs!! That's a toddler :D

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My largest was 9 lbs 12 oz, but his delivery was quite easy. I didn't have an epidural and I had the least tearing with him.


Actually, I have two friend who had larger babies (12 lbs and 10.5 lbs approx.) who both say those were their easiest babies to deliver. Maybe big doesn't always mean more painful or more difficult.

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My largest was 10lbs 7oz 1 day early according to me and almost 2 weeks early according to my Dr. I was induced but had no epidural. She was no easy push let me tell you but none of mine have been. I can't even imagine how big she would have been a couple of weeks later. She was 15lbs at her 2 month check up! Interestingly I gained the least weight with that pregnancy and I did not have GD.


I say way to go to that momma.;) I have seen large babies like this in the news before but they are usually always C-section.

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had exceptionally LARGE babies (all in the 11 - 13+ pound range). They all have home births. It blows. my. mind. My biggest was 7 lbs 7 oz. Of course my friend and her sisters are all around 5'10" and I am 5'3". While I realize that a woman's size doesn't always determine her birthing abilities, I would've had a tough time with 13 lbs of baby!

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I can't fathom! AT 6 lbs dd would not fit (I have an odd shaped pelvis apparently). Even though she was born c-section, she had the cone head from being stuck for 15+ hours (her cord was also wrapped around her neck). Anyway, my doc said afterward that I could never deliver a big baby if I got pregnant again. I get that tissue stretches and ligaments give, but what about the limitations of the pelvic girdle opening? Do some women just have that naturally? Could most women accommodate that? Or are some just lucky? ;)


Of course I also realize that the head size is probably negligible between a 6 lb and 14 Lb baby. Right? My dd always had a big head. At her 9 month (I think) check up she was 5 percentile for weight, 50 percentile for height and 95 percentile for head circumference. She looked like a little alien. :lol:

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I can't fathom! AT 6 lbs dd would not fit (I have an odd shaped pelvis apparently). Even though she was born c-section, she had the cone head from being stuck for 15+ hours (her cord was also wrapped around her neck). Anyway, my doc said afterward that I could never deliver a big baby if I got pregnant again. I get that tissue stretches and ligaments give, but what about the limitations of the pelvic girdle opening? Do some women just have that naturally? Could most women accommodate that? Or are some just lucky? ;)


Of course I also realize that the head size is probably negligible between a 6 lb and 14 Lb baby. Right? My dd always had a big head. At her 9 month (I think) check up she was 5 percentile for weight, 50 percentile for height and 95 percentile for head circumference. She looked like a little alien. :lol:


I think a lot of it does have to do with pelvic shape/space. I have cousin that was not allowed to deliver any of her kids v*g*nally due to lack of space in her pelvic cavity and all her kids were small to average in size.


My easiest and only completely natural birth (my other two were induced but I've never had an epidural) was also my biggest. She was only 8 lbs 9 oz but was almost a pound and a half larger then her older sister or younger brother.

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My 2 combined didn't weigh that much! Admittedly one was 3 lbs and the other was almost 7 lbs but I can't imagine 14 lbs!


My DS has had a huge head since birth - he's always been about 1.5 cm ABOVE the chart for head and I had to have a c/s as he was quite stuck due to his head size so it's definitley not all just weight as to how easy they are to deliver. Poor baby had a nickel sized scab on his head for weeks after birth due to being stuck :(

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