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If you were a VERY IMPORTANT blankie, where would you be?

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A backpack, under an older brother's comforter that he drags around like a blankie, a gift bag that she carries around with "stuff" in it, under the couch cushions, in an older brother's backpack because he thought it would be funny to hide it from her, under the piano keyboard lid, in the car, in the other car, in the laundry (ha ha), under my bed, in the toy bucket.


Ds once left his blankie at a furniture store in the small town we had just moved to. Store closed at 5 on Sat, closed Sun, but we were able to get it back on Mon. It was a loooooong weekend. I hope you find your blankie soon. :grouphug:

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Stuck in the bottom of the laundry basket? In the toy box? I would start with dismantling the couch, though.


My niece carried a blankie (till she was 9!). When she lost the first one as a toddler, my sister-in-law created the next one out of cut-up pieces of her own bathrobe. Every time dn lost it she just gave her a new piece.

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I agree it's probably "in" something. We lost a VIP bedtime item for several days and it was under a red rubbermaid. It had been emptied and turned over to be used as a stool. For whatever reason it took me several days to decide to fill it back up with whatever it had contained and it stood as a stool undisturbed with the little lovie hanging out underneath. We turned the house upside down but didn't think to look under the rubbermaid "stool."


I have learned to look in the most obscure places. Bathroom & kitchen cupboards, the refrigerator, bottom of the laundry pile, behind the washer/dryer, bottom of the dress-up box or toy-box, in every backpack, purse, bag, etc.


Behind the curtains, in the dresser drawers. The doll house, the farm, the play kitchen, the microwave? Everything with a hidden or not so hidden compartment.


Oh I hope you find it. :grouphug:

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The back cushions of our couch usually are on the ground to be used for jumping, climbing etc. Often when things go missing it is because it has been stuffed between the seat cushions and the back of the sofa. The kids never clear anything off/out from the couch when told to put it back together so then the back cushions are placed on top of said item, hiding it well. I usually have to search that space once a day looking for missing items. Between the top mattress and slates of the bunkbed is another good spot, the kids make "forts" on the bottom bunk and use the slates/mattress on teh top bunk as a storage space, and then forget they put things up there.

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In the garbage can at the nearby rink:confused:


Honestly! I have no idea how it ended up in there.


I was questioning myself that we even brought it with us. After searching for 20 minutes, we headed home and the staff called while we were on our way home. They were emptying the cans and happened to see it sitting there on top. Thankfully the rink wasn't busy that day and we were in a quiet, hardly used corner.


It received a very hot wash and soak once we got it back!

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I feel your pain.


In a drawer of a play kitchen. Stuffed between the couch cushions. In a dress-up box. In various bags. Fallen between bed and a wall. Fridge. In the back compartment of a Radio-flyer trike. Under a carseat. Under the mattress. In a cupboard with baking sheets. Draped around a tree in the backyard. :001_huh:

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We once lost an absolutely critical green rabbit. So critical, in fact, that I bought a replacement rabbit after a week so that I could get a full night's sleep (no....it wasn't MY rabbit! Just very very important to someone little).


We found bunny 3 months later in a drawer in the guest bathroom. Got No Clue how it got there.


Blankies tended to end up behind the couch.

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My little brother once left a very special bunny in a rental car in Pennsylvania when my step-mother was there on business. She came home and realized that Bun Bun was missing. It was horrible. I was old enough to know what was going and it was rough. About six months later she was back up in Pennsylvania on business and guess who she saw sitting on the counter at the rental place - yep, Bun Bun. My little brother is now grown up but when I visit my parents he is sitting on the dresser in the kid guest room.

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last time we lost puppy (a 32 year old stuffy that was mine as toddler) she was in a kichen cabinet, vack behind the toaster... Other places are in pillow cases, outside in the dog house, stuck in the laundry chute, and in the fridge.


Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I second or maybe it's third the fridge. Also, we have found my ds's between the headboard and the wall for over a week. Oh, check on top of something tall. We lost one for a few days when it was thrown up on top of our 5ft tv stand and once it was behind the corner unit.


I am so amazed that so many people have lost blankets or special friends out and about and the people at businesses who mailed, put aside or even remeber to look out for it and actually called when it was found. :)

Kindness is still alive in this world!


Did you find it yet?

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last time we lost puppy (a 32 year old stuffy that was mine as toddler) she was in a kichen cabinet, vack behind the toaster... Other places are in pillow cases, outside in the dog house, stuck in the laundry chute, and in the fridge.


Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ooh, the laundry chute. Good one. I don't know what genius designed our laundry chute but it's not big enough for 90% of our clothes and we never use it. But the littlest two every once in a while will get on a kick of just chunking stuff down the laundry chute. It's always exciting to open the latch in the basement after a couple of weeks and see what comes tumbling out.

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As others have said, the refrigerator.


I spent 3 hours one night trying to find my oldest's "Bunny". She was crying, I was crying. I finally put her in the car at 11:00 PM, drove to Wal-Mart to try and find a substitute. It didn't work because it wasn't her "Bunny". On the way back home, she fell asleep. I very carefully carried her up the stairs and put her in bed.


I went to the fridge to get an orange, opened up the fruit/vegetable bin, and guess who was chilling on the lettuce? Yep, Bunny. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry :001_smile:



Good luck in your search and :grouphug: to your little one.

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I would be on a houseboat, where I would get thrown out with the garbage when my boy and his family reached the end of their holiday and forgot me. That's our sad story with ds5's blankie which went missing this Christmas. :sad:


Does he ever take it out the house? We've found it in the garden and in the car before. In a toy box. Under the computer and dining table. In the washing basket. We have regular 5-minutes-after-we-switch-out-the-lights hunts for the beloved rag! (We had to replace the lost one, although ds is not really attached to the new one to the same degree).

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Under a kitchen chair, filled with Brussels sprouts.


Hee-hee. That brought back some Franklin memories.


Anyhow, y'all know the blankie was found, right? Scroll back up a couple of pages. It was in the trash can at the ice rink or somesuch--a miraculous find.



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no luck so far. Cleaned up the little guy.s room really well, and didn't find it.


I'm going to look out in the barn later on today. I haven't caught up on the laundry, maybe it is hiding there.


He has been not taking naps till this happened. Now he's back to naptime since he can't sleep past 5:30.

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It's time for desperate measures. Ask St. Anthony to pray that it will be found.


"Dear St. Anthony, please come around. Something's been lost and can't be found."




I know some people think it's nuts, but St. Anthony always helps me find lost items. I don't bother him with the little stuff, though, just the important things. I think the blankie would definitely qualify.

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