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ISO Latin Advice: > grammar, < read/transl


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My student has completed PL and LCI, and is working through LCII. He doesn't mind the format of this program, but he's wanting something different/more. We've also been doing the Ludere workbooks and the vocab/roots book.


He sat in on a Latin class at an area private school, and whatever program they were using ... he liked. He was able to hold his own, and loved that. Their program was more of a translating/reading/learn-as-you-go type, it sounds like. (I was in another room with another child, and this child didn't tell me how much he liked it until four months later when LCII was kicking his butt.) The school hasn't yet replied to my email, and it's been a month so I'm not hopeful they ever will. The next open house is in March and I figure I can see then, but I'm eager to get going sooner than that.


I plan to stick with our current plan (LCII --> Henle), but would love to add in a supplemental program that would leave him feeling like his hard work in Latin is paying off. The grammar benefits are still lost upon him LOL.


Is there anything out there like this that would be an acceptable supplement?

Is the Bolchazy stuff a good fit? He's 5th/6th-grade and is a good and capable student, mildly interested in the study of Latin but not passionate.



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