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Dr. Hive - Urgent care?

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This is the first time my little guy has been sick, so be gentle to me if I'm crazy.


He started with a cough/runny nose yesterday, but he seemed happy and played pretty hard all day. The cough sounds wet, and he's not coughing all the time. He also had three little raised, red bumps in a cluster on the bottom of his foot. He's had bad reactions to bug bites in the past, and I thought that was what they were. They didn't seem to bother him when he was walking, they weren't warm to the touch, and they didn't have white dots in the middle like chicken pox.


He started a fever last night and was a little restless in his sleep. Once his fever got to be 102 (using an ear thermometer), I gave him some ibuprofen so we could get some rest.


He woke up happy but still coughing. He didn't want to eat or drink much, but he did nurse and eat a clementine. He played for about 2.5 hours and then fell asleep nursing on my lap. This is VERY odd for him. He stopped napping all together about two months ago, much less so soon after waking. I took his temperature and it had gone to 102.9. I gave him another dose of ibuprofen (about an hour and a half ago), and his temperature is down to about 100 now.


If it was just this, I know we would be fine, but about an hour ago I noticed a spotted rash on the bottom of his feet. Plus, what I thought were the three bug bites were now more red and puffy than they had been. Both of his feet were very warm from the fever, so I don't know if they're getting infected or what.


Now that his fever is down from the meds, the rash on his feet seems to have cleared up. Do you think the rash was just from the fever? Don't most fever rashes present on the trunk? Is it just a coincidence that he has the three "bug bites" on his foot?


Do you think I should take him to the urgent care? What if the rash comes back?

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Could be a garden-variety viral rash.


But given the rash on his foot, I might suspect hand, foot, and mouth disease. HFM is caused by a coxsackievirus, and is an extremely common childhood illness. However, I don't think that usually presents with cold symptoms....


When my kids had HFM, their only obvious symptom was a rather high fever for several days. I took them in and within 10 seconds the nurse had diagnosed them, because they had sores on the back of their throats. There was no treatment necessary, though she did suggest giving them tylenol or ibuprofen for the throat sores.


Link to CDC's page on HFM: here.


Can you post pictures of the bumps on his foot?


You should be able to call your ped's office and talk to the doctor on call. I'd probably do that first.

Edited by jplain
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Could be a garden-variety viral rash.


But given the rash on his foot, I might suspect hand, foot, and mouth disease. HFM is caused by a coxsackievirus, and is an extremely common childhood illness. However, I don't think that usually presents with cold symptoms....


When my kids had HFM, their only obvious symptom was a rather high fever for several days. I took them in and within 10 seconds the nurse had diagnosed them, because they had sores on the back of their throats. There was no treatment necessary, though she did suggest giving them tylenol or ibuprofen for the throat sores.


Link to CDC's page on HFM: here.


Can you post pictures of the bumps on his foot?


You should be able to call your ped's office and talk to the doctor on call. I'd probably do that first.


Although mine always seemed to have some cold symptoms to go with it. It could also be roseola but I believe that rash is usually on the trunk.

Edited by melissad2
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Could be a garden-variety viral rash.


But given the rash on his foot, I might suspect hand, foot, and mouth disease. HFM is caused by a coxsackievirus, and is an extremely common childhood illness. However, I don't think that usually presents with cold symptoms....


When my kids had HFM, their only obvious symptom was a rather high fever for several days. I took them in and within 10 seconds the nurse had diagnosed them, because they had sores on the back of their throats. There was no treatment necessary, though she did suggest giving them tylenol or ibuprofen for the throat sores.


Link to CDC's page on HFM: here.


Can you post pictures of the bumps on his foot?


You should be able to call your ped's office and talk to the doctor on call. I'd probably do that first.



Here are two pictures of the bumps. The rest of the rash is pretty much gone.


HFM was one of my first ideas, but I don't see anything in his mouth or on his hands, and I thought it would be a pretty big coincidence for it to happen at the same time as him developing a cough.


Maybe I'll give a call to the doctor. I gave him the ibuprofen about 2.5 hours ago, and his temp is still down to just a tick over 100.


Thanks everyone.





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