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prayers please, ultrasound this afternoon

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So, I posted a while back that I got pregnant unexpectedly, and when I went for an ultrasound to date the pregnancy it was too early to see anything....well, the other possibility was that the pregnancy didn't take or didn't implant in the uterus. I have been trying to just tell myself not to worry, it was just too early, but I finally asked the midwife to send me for another ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. So today I go at 4:45pm eastern time to make sure there is a baby there, and that it is in the uterus where it belongs. I'm a bit scared as ectopic pregnancy is a possibility given that she couldn't see even a gestational sac last time. I have had 3 positive pregnacies tests, and I'm exhausted and anemic so I'm sure I did get pregnant, it's just a matter of where and if it stuck.


Prayers for a happy healthy little bean would be greatly appreciated.


In good news, I was feeling very ill last night, so that is a good sign. And beyond all expectations my toddler has started sleeping through the night on a regular basis finally, which is a HUGE blessing.


UPDATE: Ultrasound went perfectly, baby was in the uterus, heart beating away at 162 bpm. All is good, thank you for the prayers!!!!

Edited by ktgrok
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I peeked back at your previous posts - your U/S was on 1/3, which given they didn't find a sac, could mean you were very early in the pregnancy, testing positive for the hCG, but not far enough along to find the implantation site accurately.


Looking at that date, if you had a positive pregnancy test (HPT or blood), you were by then, at least 3 to 4 weeks pregnant (from standard, assumed LMP date -- whether that's the date you had your last period or not), which means now is when they can accurately find a sac and heartbeat, at what should be 6 to 7 weeks pregnancy. If you had an ectopic pregnancy, by now it is highly unlikely you would not know it - the vast majority of women with ectopic pregnancies have some off-feeling and/or pain associated with the implantation in the tube early on, between 4-6 weeks LMP, 2-4 weeks from ovulation, due to the presence of the sac in the very tiny tube.

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I peeked back at your previous posts - your U/S was on 1/3, which given they didn't find a sac, could mean you were very early in the pregnancy, testing positive for the hCG, but not far enough along to find the implantation site accurately.


Looking at that date, if you had a positive pregnancy test (HPT or blood), you were by then, at least 3 to 4 weeks pregnant (from standard, assumed LMP date -- whether that's the date you had your last period or not), which means now is when they can accurately find a sac and heartbeat, at what should be 6 to 7 weeks pregnancy. If you had an ectopic pregnancy, by now it is highly unlikely you would not know it - the vast majority of women with ectopic pregnancies have some off-feeling and/or pain associated with the implantation in the tube early on, between 4-6 weeks LMP, 2-4 weeks from ovulation, due to the presence of the sac in the very tiny tube.


thanks for the reassurance! I agree you are probably right, I'll just feel better when I know you are right, lol. By my accounts I'm 7 weeks now, almost 8, so they should be able to see something. Last time I was probably about 4 weeks and a few days, which sometimes you can see something, but not always I guess. Also, my uterus is very very very retroverted, so that makes it harder to see I guess.

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she couldn't see even a gestational sac last time. I have had 3 positive pregnacies tests, .


about how far do you think you were, and more importantly, what kind of transducer was she using? if it was external transducer, it could easily have been a combination of the type of transducer and a very early pregnancy. they don't do very well with early pregnancy.

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about how far do you think you were, and more importantly, what kind of transducer was she using? if it was external transducer, it could easily have been a combination of the type of transducer and a very early pregnancy. they don't do very well with early pregnancy.


We did vaginal and external. I was a bit past 4 weeks, but not 5 weeks yet.

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We did vaginal and external. I was a bit past 4 weeks, but not 5 weeks yet.


Even a vaginal U/S at 4 weeks is shaky at best - the quality of the machine, images and person doing the scan all play into how well the image looks and how useful it is. No docs I know do a vaginal U/S in pregnancy before 6 weeks unless there is a suspected ectopic, and the reason is because there isn't much to see before 5 weeks and HB is seen most frequently after 6 weeks.

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Even a vaginal U/S at 4 weeks is shaky at best - the quality of the machine, images and person doing the scan all play into how well the image looks and how useful it is. No docs I know do a vaginal U/S in pregnancy before 6 weeks unless there is a suspected ectopic, and the reason is because there isn't much to see before 5 weeks and HB is seen most frequently after 6 weeks.


Thanks. We only did it because there was a chance I was 8 weeks, not 4. But turns out not :)

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So, I posted a while back that I got pregnant unexpectedly, and when I went for an ultrasound to date the pregnancy it was too early to see anything....well, the other possibility was that the pregnancy didn't take or didn't implant in the uterus. I have been trying to just tell myself not to worry, it was just too early, but I finally asked the midwife to send me for another ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. So today I go at 4:45pm eastern time to make sure there is a baby there, and that it is in the uterus where it belongs. I'm a bit scared as ectopic pregnancy is a possibility given that she couldn't see even a gestational sac last time. I have had 3 positive pregnacies tests, and I'm exhausted and anemic so I'm sure I did get pregnant, it's just a matter of where and if it stuck.


Prayers for a happy healthy little bean would be greatly appreciated.


In good news, I was feeling very ill last night, so that is a good sign. And beyond all expectations my toddler has started sleeping through the night on a regular basis finally, which is a HUGE blessing.


UPDATE: Ultrasound went perfectly, baby was in the uterus, heart beating away at 162 bpm. All is good, thank you for the prayers!!!!



:party:Praise the Lord!! (and Congratulations=)

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