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What are your advanced kiddos' favorite subjects?


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I see so much about advanced readers here. The Sponge can read at least 4th grade lit, but she doesn't really like reading much yet. She's thrilled that she can, and she'll tell everyone about it, but she doesn't actually like to sit down and do it, lol.


Her favorite subject, by far, is science. Science science science. Specifically biology, if she had to pick.


What's the favorite for your children?


(I don't know for The Drama. Seriously. No idea. She said "flowers." And then MFW K. :001_huh: She seems to love doing all things school, nothing really more than the others.)

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DD loves to read (though she has no formal reading assignments), Latin (especially Minimus), and history, because she loves the stories.


DS wouldn't say he has a favorite school subject, but he loves to be read to (I'm guessing he'll love to read to himself once he learns) and he also enjoys various science topics (especially weather, space, and engineering/building things). I think he's going to be my math/science guy.


Younger dd just thinks it's cool that she gets to do school work now.

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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DD vacillates between not wanting to do anything and loving everything. She loves to read. As soon as we started SOTW history became her favorite subject. She especially likes mythology. She also really likes Latin and Greek. She probably wouldn't list them as favorites because she doesn't like the written assignments. She actually prefers no written assignments. She always asks to do WWE so it's one of her favorites...especially on the day I have to write the narration down for her.


The only thing she really dislikes is math. However, we just added Singapore CWP and Life of Fred and she loves those. She asks to do extra word problems.


ETA: The dislike for math is really about a combination of laziness and boredom. We use MUS and just finished the long division portion of Delta. She could do the problems easily but just didn't want to. There are other things she would rather think about than long division and the problems just take longer than she would like to spend on math.

Edited by acurtis75@yahoo.com
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dd8 says grammar and science


ds6 says math and science


They are both bookworms so I asked specifically about reading. They decided that reading doesn't count because you read no matter which subject you're doing.:tongue_smilie: If I were to judge based on how they spend their free time, I would say reading for dd and math for ds.

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My 7 yo is definately in love with reading. He can read just about anything he picks up and he is not intimidated by big words-he just sounds them out! Math is fast becoming his next favorite. Started him in Singapore and he is eating it up. I also let him go on Kahn Academy for FUN! He loves to add and subtract negative and positive numbers and big addition and subtraction problems all in his head! Sometimes I just get exhausted trying to keep up with him :) My 4 yo seems to be following big brother. He has a big appetite for learning which is awesome to see!

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I see so much about advanced readers here. The Sponge can read at least 4th grade lit, but she doesn't really like reading much yet. She's thrilled that she can, and she'll tell everyone about it, but she doesn't actually like to sit down and do it, lol.


Her favorite subject, by far, is science. Science science science. Specifically biology, if she had to pick.


What's the favorite for your children?


(I don't know for The Drama. Seriously. No idea. She said "flowers." And then MFW K. :001_huh: She seems to love doing all things school, nothing really more than the others.)

I'm recalling a picture of a dissected frog. Am I right? :)

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Dd6 is a little like yours in that she can read really well but doesn't do a lot of it on her own. But it is very much her personality to want everything to be interactive. So I will be reading a chapter book to her. She will read ahead of me but still want me to read everything to her.


Anyway, her favorite subjects are history and geography. I think it is crazy to do history every day at this age, but it is the one thing that she loves. Math, writing and spelling are requirements here, so when we are done with that, she wants to do history.

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Ds loves science, too. He will read science encyclopedias, loves to learn about the earth/body/molecules, etc. I am not currently using BFSU, but I'm looking it up now due to the suggestion of many of you. He is similar to OP's children: he has been reading since very little and is quite good, but doesn't ENJOY it.


Dd6 loves reading and writing. We actually have a little trouble with WWE2 with her because she wants to write too much in her narrations. And she tends to want to turn them into her own stories. I enjoy her creativity, though.

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My 6 year old loves history. We do SOTW and the CC history timeline. I have trouble finding things for him to read. He is currently reading Star Wars books. I think they are 4th-5th grade level, this is yhe first challenging book I have seen him read in months. He has been reading If you Give a Mouse a Cookie type books.....

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DS9 loves history and vocabulary -- how the words sound, where they came from, the meaning, etc. He says he wants to be a train engineer (train operator) and a train engineer (train designer), but I see him being some kind of writer.


DD7 loves dance and science and foreign languages. She wants to be a ballerina and a scientist -- maybe an animal doctor.


Can't tell with DD2 yet, but she's obsessed with the ABC's.

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When my older ds was young, he was very into science, especially marine biology. Now he is more interested in history, and he loves to read.


My younger ds is harder to categorize. He likes to read, but doesn't LOVE it. He is interested in history, but not THAT interested. He does likes to write stories, but I'm embarrassed to admit that he mostly likes video games. He doesn't get that much screen time, but he thinks about it and talks about it all the time.

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You should check out Clever Castle and Logic Links in a box. Logic Links is fantastic. She might also enjoy Building Thinking Skills and Mind Benders.

thank you. I bought those because they had them in the local B&N to me. I need to make a list of things to get. She's over 1/2 way done with Rush Hour Jr. River Crossing is much more challenging for her.

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Right now my daughter is reading anything she can get her hands on, and she is a bit of a dinosaur maniac. She was literally giddy yesterday when she saw one of her dinosaur books talk about Roy Chapman Andrews and the Central Asiatic Expeditions. We just read a book about him recently, and she is insisting we take a family trip to Mongolia now.

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DS 11 is more of a least worst right now... I think it's hormonal... but he doesn't complain about having to do literature or history. He's most advanced in Grammar but it's not his favorite anymore.


DS 10's favorite is anything Science.


DS 7's favorite is math.


DD 4's favorites and reading and writing.

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I'll have to ask again at some other time but last night DS randomly, in the midst of an unrelated monologue about The Chronicles of Narnia (DH has been away a lot this week and I refused to read it so he finished "Prince Caspian" .. or whatever that one is called .. himself last night) that his favorite parts of school were poetry (I read it daily .. it's not a subject, per se) and "some math," (referring to a particular supplement) which was the last thing I expected. From experience I would have concluded almost everything besides math.

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With DS, I'd say it's a toss-up....he loves, loves, loves science - anything science, but he's also my storyteller without the writing skills yet to write out the stories he illustrates out page, after page, to tell me verbally when he's done. They're fantastic, detailed stories, so we've started now to finally add the words in his own hand, page by page, one at a time. Once his reading and writing are much stronger, I suspect that writing will definitely be his favorite - he's been telling detailed stories since he could talk.

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For my oldest, computer programming! Math and creative writing would be after that. He reads voraciously, but I don't consider that a subject for him just a way of life!


For my younger, she is every bit as sharp as her brother, but she is not the race through curriculum for fun type. She loves history, especially if there are strong women involved. She also loves dance. She practices dance and acrobatics all the time no prompting. She's a reader too, but not to the same degree her brother was at this age even though she reads at the same level.

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My older one loves to read and play video games. He will read anything but prefers fiction and adores comedies.

He loves to write occassionally when he gets the writing bug and enjoys puzzles, mazes, legos. He goes thru phases like the changing seasons.

My younger one is very smart but he is in awe of his brother and will wait for him to do things for him. He loves to sing and dance :-)

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