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A different way to use Facebook

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Recently I deleted everything from my old account and unfriended everyone. My goal is to close that account. I opened a new account with a name like Happy Camper and I use this account ONLY to participate in groups I'm a part of (local swapping/garage sale type groups, and my direct sales demonstrator's group). I don't friend anyone unless I need to for a moment to accomplish something, then I immediately unfriend them. I do "like" pages for business purposes, but that's completely optional and I always click "Hide All from This Page." With all this set up, my news feed is basically inactive and nothing I do is posted on the walls of friends (because I don't have any).


This has been working very well. I'm not busy at all posting about me/our family and I'm not spending hours catching up with people who I really don't need to be reading about. I have FB working for me, as my swap groups are very active and I have found some stunning deals on things locally. If they switch to making everyone have the new timeline feature, it won't really matter to me because there's nothing to report on. I don't even go to my news feed page.


Just thought it worth a mention!

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I know a couple of people that did that. They were deleted because you (apparently) are not allowed to use anything other than your legal name of FB. Maybe that has changed?


No, I believe that's still how they run. What I use can be considered my name, it's just not the name on my birth certificate/marriage license. I'm more concerned about having two accounts so am working on deleting the original one.

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I know a couple of people that did that. They were deleted because you (apparently) are not allowed to use anything other than your legal name of FB. Maybe that has changed?


I know there was a big deal about not being able to use RPG names on Facebook that had a lot of people upset. Maybe that's what happened?


In the meantime, I know several people going by goofy names on the order of "Duckwatcher McSillypants" or something equally ludicrous, with no apparent consequence.

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I know there was a big deal about not being able to use RPG names on Facebook that had a lot of people upset. Maybe that's what happened?


In the meantime, I know several people going by goofy names on the order of "Duckwatcher McSillypants" or something equally ludicrous, with no apparent consequence.

Have to mention the Ducks, don't ya?




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No, I believe that's still how they run. What I use can be considered my name, it's just not the name on my birth certificate/marriage license. I'm more concerned about having two accounts so am working on deleting the original one.



The two people I know were told it had to be your legal name as in on your driver's license.

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How would FB know?


It's a good question. I deleted my acct a few months ago, and I know some of my friends had "names" that were not their real ones (one woman because her last name was so darn hard to spell and nobody would have been able to find her, so she says).

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It's good you've found a way to work the system in your favor.


It would not work for me...Facebook is how I keep up with people who are important to me. I get to be a part of their lives and they get to be a part of mine. Facebook is a wonderful communications tool for us. It's real time, authentic, and comfortable.


I miss seeing you on my feed....:D

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I know a cat who has a FB page, and several of my kids' friends are on FB but listed only with first and middle name (as last name) I can see why their parents did this, to try to keep them un-searchable. I'm thinking you could do this, as long as the name you choose isn't totally silly. I think though, with made up names, you will always have the chance of having your account deleted if found out because of TOS.

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I'm pretty sure they can spot a fake name even without anyone reporting it. Actually, sometimes they will "spot" a fake name that is real and disable a legitimate account.


And I assume Happy Camper will be one they will flag. You'd have to come up with something more "real". It may not happen soon, but they will probably find it eventually.


There are definitely fake accounts out there, but facebook won't find them unless you use an obviously fake name.

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That's about what I do too. I have everything set up so only I can see it (a few things are for "close friends" but I don't have anybody listed as close friends) and I just use it so I can be part of a secret/hidden allergy group. I'll have to figure out how this Timeline thing is going to change things. Now if I could only think of a polite way tell someone that I don't want them tagging me or my kids in the pictures they post on their FB account...

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