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If I melt honey that has gone sugary, how long will it stay melted?

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I have about 2 mason jars worth of honey (but stored in a big plastic jug) that have gone sugary. I'd like to melt it all down to be clear again before putting it in mason jars, but how long will it stay before going back to sugary?


We have bee hives and harvest honey. We always use glass jars to store honey. To preserve the health benefits of the honey, transfer your honey to mason jars (or a double boiler pot). Put the jars in hot water (not boiling, low heat). Let them sit in the hot water until the honey liquifies. Too high of heat or using the microwave destroys the beneficial nutrients. Don't store the honey in the fridge and it will last several months before going sugary again.


ETA: Is the honey in its natural state or store bought honey?

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It is raw local honey. We buy it in huge quantities in a plastic container and then put it in glass jars but there was a bit left in the bottom of the plastic this time that went sugary.


Thank you for the info-so glad to know it won't get sugary again right away! And that it will get clear again w/out having to heat it so hot that it pasteurizes it.

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I just did exactly this a month or 6 weeks ago. A large plastic bucket that had 2 jars full left in the bottom. I put the bucket in the sink, then filled the sink with hot water from the tap. I had to renew the water every 30mins or so, in about 1.5hrs it was melted enough to transfer to glass jars. They are still liquid, so I'm happy!

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