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Can anyone help me find the LEAST refined sugar (Sucanat, Demerara, etc)?

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I tried googling and I can't find a good list to help me with this. I am trying to AVOID refined sugar and I want the LEAST refined one. Not including date sugar and all those-just the main ones like Demerara and so on.


I bought Demerara and I'm afraid to eat it now! Where does it fall on the list-how refined is it?


I will prbly end up sticking w/ Sucanat long term (for the tablespoon or so I need in a recipe that can't use honey or something) but I can't get to the co-op to buy it for a couple wks.

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Here's a list (bottom of page) that compares nutrients in several different sugars:


I've seen others make similar arguments, and I think they're missing the point.


There's no scientifically-documented, meaningful nutritional or metabolic difference between any of the caloric sweeteners, unless you start looking at fructose content. In that case, agave and HFCS are the hardened criminals, while other sweeteners are your typical bad guys. That's not to say that typical bad guys are okay for you. If you're consuming more fructose than you'd get out of a few servings of fruit, you should assume you aren't doing your liver any favors.


And really, who cares what the nutrient content of sugar is? The amounts are vanishingly small, essentially trace amounts. It makes nice ad copy, but no one should count on sweeteners to supply nutrients.



Edited by jplain
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Angela-is the dehydrated cane juice in a liquid or crystal form? Where do you find it and how is it packaged, etc? (name brand?)


Jplain-I am starting to think the same thing-that it seems to be just a lot of semantics, but I'm still trying to figure out the best option.


KH-that list was good, thanks! It did make me see there is not a lot of difference nutritionally. Still trying to find out a definitive answer on which is least refined. It seems to be elusive!

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I *think* green leaf stevia is the better choice. It is just stevia leaves ground up. It looks like green fuzz and is really expensive. I have been doing some research on this lately. But I do agree that for the most nutritional (if you can really say that any sugar is nutritional) sweetener is honey and maple syrup.

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If you check out the website eHow Health and look under "What is Rapadura Sugar?" they give a pretty good explanation. Basically the Rapadura is dehydrated at very low heat and the natural molasses is not separated from it. Sucanant undergoes a different process. Hope that helps a little :)

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