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Life of Fred?

Holly in FL

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My 12 yo LOVES Fred.


My oldest niece teaches honors geometry and algebra in ps. I asked her to take a look at the samples. She thought they looked solid and would be good for kids who are more linguistic. Sad to say, even though she teaches honors classes in a nice suburb, many of her students would not be able to use Fred because they do not have sufficient reading comprehension.

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Fred can be used alone. I recommend the Home Companion,for extra practice problems, if you do.


Most threads I've seen use it as a review or a supplement.


Ds(16) liked the explanantions better than Foerster. Dd(11) didn't like Fred at all.


Have you seen his website? There are sample pages to view there.



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So, is Fred more of a supplement than a stand-alone program?


Fred is a full math curriculum, from pre-algebra through calculus and statistics. There is a notion among some on this board that it only merits supplement status. This is a mistake.


One valid criticism of Fred is that it does not include enough drill/problem sets and review. The Home Companion books add this sort of thing. Also, you can find problem sets all over the web, if you want them. Or you can use an additional curriculum to provide that.


My ds13 is finishing up Geometry with LoF and NEM this month. But Fred is not a supplement -- it is the spine, with NEM spliced in by chapter as appropriate to the Fred sequence.


The best thing about Fred IMO is that it is written in a way that shows the student how to use the math to solve a concrete problem. The author writes the goofy stories to provide this set-up. This sucks the kids into the story, and they get the math along with ... sneaky. But that does not make the math watered-down in the least -- it is a challenging curriculum.


Hope this helps,


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My two dd are using Life of Fred. The younger 11 yo is using Fractions and really enjoys it. She telles me she understands it better with LOF. She finished Horizons 5 before this. Her sister is doing Geometry. she is having a much easier time doing proofs with it and is also understanding and remembering better than her earlier tries. I find the work quite rigorous and don't see what else she would need to do. For the younger one, I will be adding a review workbook where she can keep reviewing other types of problems throughout the year.

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My ds is using fractions for review and enjoying it. I don't know why, but he's no longer making nearly the number of careless mistakes he used to. Perhaps it's because of smaller problem sets?


Added: I think some will be reluctant to use it as a stand alone program until it has more of a track record on these boards, because something so fun shouldn't be so good. OTOH, some may be forseeing trying to explain to the admission officer at MIT that a book titled Life of Fred IS a serious calculus text. ;)

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Fred can be used alone. We've used Fractions, Decimals & Percents, and half of Beginning Algebra so far and in less than a year. My son was bored of repetitive workbooks and wanted to "move on". The real life applications register with the way he thinks and the story lines keep him interested (if not cracking up :D ).

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We started Lof Fred Fractions and Decimals after Horizons 5. We'll do decimals next. I'll probably spend a year on pre-algebra again with my daughter because she will only be going to 5 th grade and she's very sloppy with her work. She's not mature enough for multi-step problems. She'd miss them simply because she can't understand her own handwriting.


I've been working on it for years, btw.

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We used Fractions and Decimals & Percents this year. Dd LOVED math -- no more tears, frustrations, anxiety, or disagreements over math. I did very little by way of follow-up or checking behind her. In fact, I was concerned that she might not be getting much from it. Then she took her Stanford Achievement Test and scored insanely high on the math portion. That inspired her to ask to go ahead and do Algebra over the summer.


I would say if you plan to use it as a full curriculum, use the Home Companion. If you plan to use it as a supplement, use just the main book.


I did pick up a neat "mixed review" workbook at the bookstore for her to use along with the Fractions and Decimals books -- mostly because she needed continued practice with more basic math (multiplication, division, etc). I would say that some sort of "graded" review workbook (Spectrum, Flash Kids, etc) would be a good idea -- not because I think Life of Fred is weak in any way, but just as that added peace of mind for mom and extra practice for the student.


The author signs all of his books if you order directly from the publisher. Also, he will respond personally to any emails you send. This went a LONG way in really engaging my dd in her math -- she understood that this book was really written for HER to use and enjoy and that made a huge impression on her.


Dd is heading off to a brick and mortar school this fall, but we plan to use Life of Fred every summer until graduation as a review/preview.

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