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What's this scam?

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I just got a call from someone with a very heavy accent saying they are getting error reports from my computer (or something like that). I said what? He said there are problems with the Windows operating system. I said well that's good I don't use Windows and hung up. What in the world was that about???

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Mm, when I was young I got a call saying I won a truck in a sweepstakes. I told the guy I hadn't entered one. He quickly said, "I'm sure a friend entered it for you," and tried to move quickly on. I told him I didn't have a driver's license so no one who knew me would enter.


I also got a call offering to fix my roof when I lived in an apartment building.

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Yes, it is a scam. I got that call also. My husband who has worked as a certified tech in the past asked the man for the 'codes' and he would not or could not tell dh what they were. Dh called around to some friends after the call and was told yes it is a scam. After the first few 'free' step to 'fix' your probem they will ask for a credit card number, by then your computer really is messed up. :glare:

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I cannot even believe anyone would fall for such a thing, it is so preposterous!!! I guess scammers are persistent and ignorant! I *almost* got into a discussion about the fact that we use Linux but I thought against it :)


I can. I get asked to send error reports in whenever a program crashes, I assume most people do. Imagine someone who's not very computer-savvy, they've seen those reports, they think computers can communicate on their own, and it becomes believable. Even though the callers will get a lot of people who know better, or don't use Windows or whatever, they're going to get some people who don't know better. It's just a numbers game, really.

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Guest enggstudent7

Autodesk (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.) has this function, it's 'supposed' to 'help' Autodesk figure out what's wrong with YOUR computer when having trouble with THEIR software. Usually, from my experience (working a lot with CAD software), it's most likely a memory (RAM) problem (or lack thereof), and/or a graphics card issue. Or, it could be the way that the software was "imaged", or loaded, on that particular computer, or settings by the programmers/IT technicians.

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I got one of those calls yesterday!


I was in a hurry and not really paying attention, so I just told him we didn't need help and hung up.


I didn't realize right away that it was a scam because we had had some repair work done not too long ago. I could see some people falling for it.

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My husband made the man cry when he phoned us.


My husband thought it was an actual phone call from microsoft because that's what they guy claimed and we had just bought our first (and last) windows computer. If microsoft is monitoring his computer for "errors" and then phoning to harass us during dinner to fix them, that is breaking all kinds of laws. He is big on privacy and limits on corporations, etc. So he was not gentle.

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