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HOD Preparing?


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I would love to hear from those of you who have used Preparing with HOD. What did you think? What did you like? What did you not like?


The program over all looks great. I am not a huge fan though of Child's History of the World (I admit though I have only read the first 5 chapters). How did CHOW work for you? Did you wish she had used another book in its place? Or, were you fine with the fact she included it as a main history spine?




Blessings for your day! :)


P.S. I am thinking ahead. So these thoughts are for a year from now when my oldest will be 9 1/2, and it would be for him.

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It has been my favorite HOD guide so far and I've used all the ones before it! I love seeing the independence grow, the more basic skills from the previous guides coming to fruition (what a pay off for doing the guides as-is!), and seeing my daughter love it so much. The day is so balanced and though I am having serious health issues and we don't get to school every day, the days we do we have no trouble getting the boxes done in the allotted time stated by Carrie, the author.

I have enjoyed CHOW, and the first chapter is omitted due to evolutionary teaching which isn't an issue after that point. It is told from a Christian perspective and is interesting and full of great history!

We haven't added anything for my oldest who is 10, except the occasional extension book. We switched out only the math (Math Mammoth).


It truly is a very enjoyable level and the skills my child is learning/has learned are wonderful.

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LOVE it! My daughter loves CHOW, the chapters are short and to the point. I am very glad she chose that as the spine. My dd loves Grandpas Box and most of the readers we have gone through thus far. The History projects are simple but fun. She looks forward to all of it.


I do not love the Science and I feel that sometimes the experiments are silly, but my dd really loves Science and serious experiments. I should have subbed it out but I really like just having the guide and doing what it says. :)

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