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Gardening Question re: Cilantro

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Can anyone give me some tips on growing this from seed?? I don't know why this one in particular gives me so many problems, but I have never yet been successful in growing this one from seed for some reason. I've tried different seed packs and still it always dies. :( I don't know what I"m doing wrong. I appreciate any help.


Thanks to all who reply. :)

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Can anyone give me some tips on growing this from seed?? I don't know why this one in particular gives me so many problems, but I have never yet been successful in growing this one from seed for some reason. I've tried different seed packs and still it always dies. :( I don't know what I"m doing wrong. I appreciate any help.


Thanks to all who reply. :)


I have a difficult time with cilantro too - I've had it come up and grow successfully, but it always goes to seed *so* fast! And when I've tried to plant a row of it to cut and harvest it frequently, it doesn't come up very well (the stuff that does grow is usually volunteer plants in the flower bed. . .)

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Well I haven't really tried to grow it myself because my parents own a greenhouse and I get my plants for free, but I will tell you that cilantro is a bit fussier than some. First it won't germinate/grow if it's too cold so it has to be fairly warm to get it started, BUT it doesn't like it hot and will quickly go to seed if it's too warm. It has a pretty narrow window of happiness compared to other plants. My understanding is that you almost have to plan on planting a new crop every 2-3 weeks. Unlike Basil or Parsley where you can plant it in the spring, and pick all summer long, Cilantro needs multiple seedings. So like lettuces or radishes you just keep planting it and only expects to get a couple of harvests from each plant.

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I had a different problem: I got some seeds from last year, and they grew just fine in the spring & summer. I kept it pinched back and it grew well and I was able to use the herbs. But when the weather got colder, I brought the pot indoors, and quickly it was covered with bugs. :( So much for that. Has anyone had any luck growing it indoors?

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