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Is it possible to have a UTI with no pain? And what could have caused this?

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I have been eating VERY healthy for the last 2 1/2 wks-a lot of raw foods, veggies, etc. This is not new for me-usually all organic, green smoothies-have just basically added more raw veggies. I have been drinking more water now though (54 ounces in a.m., but then mainly just w/ meals the rest of the day.) I started working out again.


All this good stuff, and now I am urinating frequently! WHY?? In the last 1/2 hour I went prbly 4-5 times. I have only had maybe 6-8 oz of water w/ lunch and dinner-the bulk of my water was this morn-so it is not that.


Could it be bacteria from urinating so much in the mornings after I drink all that water? (which that frequency at that time of day really *is* from the volume of water drinking)


Starting this afternoon, only a tiny bit comes out. Then 5-10 min later I feel the urge to go again. Is this a UTI? I have NO other symptoms, including pain.


What do I do for this? Is Uristat ok to take? Tomorrow is Saturday-I hate to go to an on call place w/ just frequency and nothing else.

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I have been eating VERY healthy for the last 2 1/2 wks-a lot of raw foods, veggies, etc. This is not new for me-usually all organic, green smoothies-have just basically added more raw veggies.


Starting this afternoon, only a tiny bit comes out. Then 5-10 min later I feel the urge to go again. Is this a UTI? I have NO other symptoms, including pain.


Yes, you can.

Are you taking any supplements? Cranberry concentrate caps can give you a chemical urethritis that acts just like a UTI. I've had a relative and two patients get it, and another patient who has temporary symptoms with gorging on asparagus, or so she believed.

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