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iphone and/or ipad?!

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I have an android phone and I strongly, strongly dislike it! I am able to take advantage of Best Buys Buy Back offer to put towards a new phone, but that means the iPhone would be about $400. So, should I buy the iPhone or should I just delete everything off of my terrible android phone and spend an extra $100 and get an iPad?! My hope is that the phone part of my android would work better if I took all of the apps off and then I would have all of the cool features of the iPad.


Or...if I can swing it, should I get an iPhone and an iPad? Is it necessary to have both? Will I find having an iPad redundant if I have an iPhone, too?!


Feel free to enable my gadget addiction! :lol:

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Why is the iPhone so expensive? I thought the iPhone 4 was about $150 now?


I love my iPhone, and while I use my iPad (which was a Christmas gift last year from my parents), I don't think I would ever spend the money on one myself. I basically use it for email and to access online recipes while in the kitchen...but to me that is hardly worth $500. However, I use my phone all the time and love having all my lists and my calendar in one spot.

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I am really in love with my iPhone 4s. I've had ipads since they came out and I thought the iPhone might be redundant, but I love the camera, and listening to music on Spotify.


If I could only get one, I'd get the iPhone, but if I could get both, I sure would do it.

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I would keep the Android phone and get the iPad. You can upgrade to the iPhone when your contract is up.


:iagree: I have an android with minimal apps on it and the ipad. I don't use the phone for anything other than talking anymore. If it acts as a hotspot that's a plus too. If you have to buy from best buy this isn't an option but if not apple.com has refurbished ipads for slightly less than retail.


ETA: Surely you can get an iphone later when you are eligible for updrade without spending $400. I know we are waiting for our upgrade in April so we only have to pay $99. I would not spend $400 on an iphone.

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An 8gb iphone 3gs is only 99 cents with a two year contracts through at&t. My DH had said it was free, but 99 cents is not too bad (he's trying to talk me into one).


We have 2 iphones and 1 ipad. I don't take the ipad out and about (my DH does), but love having my DH's iphone for maps on longer trips and internet connections when I'm book shopping and such to compare prices... We use them both a ton for educational apps for my DS and netflix streaming.

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Ack...decisions, decisions.


My phone is about to drive me batty - it just doesn't work at. all. It glitches, freezes and I have to take the battery out at least once a day. I've done a hard reset at least a half dozen times since I bought it 6 months ago and it still just acts wonky. This is the second one I've had, too, the first one they replaced in the first 2 weeks because the microphone went out, so I couldn't make calls??!



To save $$, I am hopeful that I can just get an iPad and take all of the apps off of my phone, perhaps then at least the phone part would end up working better!!

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The phone is more important. Get that first. After you get used to the awesomeness, you will require the iPad, but you will likely be satisfied for quite a while and don't need to buy them at once. They don't just cost a lot more, they DO a lot more and are sooooo easy to use.


I have both. They are essential to me or different reasons. I rarely need to reset either of them. I probably reset them every other month. The reliability and amazing battery life are a huge quality of life issue.

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