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Best deals at Whole Foods? or Food CO-OPs?

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I really need to start buying more organic foods. I really want to know more about where my food comes from and how it gets to my table.


What are somethings that are not to be missed at WF? Organic OJ, produce, etc.


What should I look for in a Food CO-OP?


I need a lot of help, obviously. Ya'll are a wealth of info and I am all :bigear:

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I try to pair things like sale items with their coupons in their little freebie magazine (available in store). Sometimes some of the coupon eligible items will also be on sale, making them a decent deal. Some of their 365 organic house brand items are pretty decent, although they've been called out for using "organic" products from China, so watch the labels a bit. Certain frozen organic veggies are a good deal at my store, so I stock up and keep the freezer full for quick dinners.

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I get some organic items from iHerb.com, their free shipping for orders over $40 is great!


There are organic departments at my grocery stores, and both sell some organic produce. I go to WF occasionally, I don't live near one, so have to drive 2-3 hours.


I have found that even though organic costs more, if I don't buy processed/packaged foods, then my grocery bill is very reasonable.

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The only thing I consider a deal at Whole Foods is their fresh flowers. The rest tends to be pricey. Trader Joe's carries less organic stuff, but the stuff they do carry is cheaper.


If your area has a farmer's market, that is often a place where you can buy organic foods for a reasonable price. Some farms around here also have a program --the name of which I forget--that allows you to put in a certain amount of money at the beginning of the season and get a large box of produce every week or two that is full of whatever is ripe right then. The price turns out to be great; the catch is that if you do not put all that stuff to use in time (or get it in the freezer, can it, etc.) that you waste a lot and then the price isn't so good.


Another thing that you can do is to just buy certain products organic--the ones that are most likely to be loaded with pesticides. Google Top 10 organic produce (or something similar) and you should find at least a few lists of the things that it is most worth sinking your organic $$ into. Then you can buy other produce at the store. For instance, apples are one of the items most recommended to buy organically because a whole lot of pesticide gets used on them and most of the phytonutrients are right near the peel. Oranges on the other hand, are usually fine from the store because of their thick peel. Spinach and other leafy greens are recommended organic, but cabbage can be bought from the store, etc.

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It pays to do a comparison of prices on items you normally buy. Some of WF's prices seem high. Other things are much cheaper than our large supermarket, probably because WF sells a higher volume. Peanut Butter comes to mind. At my local grocery the brand I like is 7.99! :001_huh: The same brand sells for 3.99 at WF, and frequently goes on sale for 3.50. The 365 brand is usually reasonably priced and tasty.

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At whole foods they will special order bulk things. Like say you want 25 lbs of grains you can ask and they will order and you get 10% off. This works great if you live close and want to stock up. When you live 2 hours away and they say will have it you drive down there and find they don't multiple times you stop bothering. :glare:



I do Azure Standard now. They drop to about 1/2 the US I think.


They charge a delivery free but they are a great source for bulk organic food. Their bulk produce rocks as well for prices compared to my local store.


I have also heard great things about Costco and organic food.

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I like Whole Foods okay, but they don't carry nearly the local or organic produce that my local food co-op carries. I try to shop sales and use coupons when I shop them.


If you're looking for organic OJ, I like Uncle Matt's. I don't know if Whole Foods carries it or not, as I generally get it at my local co-op.


I don't know what area of the country you are in, buy my Whole Foods carries Snowville milk, from Ohio, and I actually like it better than another brand produced here in Kentucky that several stores in my area carry....

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I have a few more questions:


What about meat? Are the meats at WF organic, or just some of them? Is there a better place to get organic meat? I cannot find a local co-op...


I love creamer in my coffee in the am. Do you have a favorite organic creamer?


What's the best way to go about purging non-organic foods from my home? :tongue_smilie: I am on a mission!


Lots of stores have organic foods nowadays. But many are from other countries. I would LOVE to buy locally if I can. I hope my post makes sense. I am trying to get us on the right track. I realize it may take time, but I can do this! :D

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I have a few more questions:


What about meat? Are the meats at WF organic, or just some of them? Is there a better place to get organic meat? I cannot find a local co-op...


I love creamer in my coffee in the am. Do you have a favorite organic creamer?


What's the best way to go about purging non-organic foods from my home? :tongue_smilie: I am on a mission!


Lots of stores have organic foods nowadays. But many are from other countries. I would LOVE to buy locally if I can. I hope my post makes sense. I am trying to get us on the right track. I realize it may take time, but I can do this! :D



I buy my beef from a friend, it isn't organic per se but it is grass fed instead of grain fed. My chicken I got in a coop from church and purchased in bulk, but it wasn't organic this month there was a nearly organic chicken deal in my area.

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