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OPGTTR and ETC and stuck?

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I started the OPGTTR and it went way to fast for my son and required a lot of reading. We are basically stuck on 3 letter words and so far have only done short a words. He can sound out a word like c-a-t but then half the time he doesn't get that the word is cat. Although if I have him spell cat for me he gets it right. Any tips? He is almost 5 so still pretty young.

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Did he learn the poems? You may need to just sit back and practice the sounds themselves for a little bit.


BOB books are good supplements too. The stories are very short, but your ds will feel hugely accomplished when he finishes them.


We stumbled for a bit between learning the sounds and then putting them into practice, but now my youngest is reading Little Bear. Taking a moment to reinforce sounds helped a lot.

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