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Emotional roller coster (woman issues with TMI)

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This morning I took a pregnancy test and got a positive but went to the DR. and took a test (urine) and it was negative. I took mine with first sample of the day where as his was later on in the day...not sure if it matters.:001_unsure:


The reason I decided to take one is my last cycle was just spotting, no red just brown. I did take 2 tests a week apart and they were negative. Over the last 10 days my breasts have gotten so sensitive, almost painful. So I decided to take another this morning. Since the Dr.s test was negative they did not want to do a blood test. I am taking another one tomorrow morning (different brand)and if it is positive I will demand a blood test. But for now I am in an emotional upheaval. I absolutly hate this uncertainty.

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HPT's from the drugstore are often more sensitive that the one's they use at the Dr's office. Your urine was probably more dilute by the time you took it at the office. It is rare to get a false positive HPT, much more common to get a false negative. I would request a blood draw and take another HPT in the morning.

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The doctor's office tests are often less sensitive than the ones you can buy at the drugstore. And yes, first morning urine will be positive sooner than random urine.





I used to be the marketing manager for one of the bigger brands of HPT - the ones at the doctor are not as sensitive - they typically buy the cheaper, old technology tests in bulk for lower cost. To be sure - take another one tomorrow or in a few days.


Was your positive result pretty clear? Did the result appear fairly quickly?


Very rare to get false positives these days with the technology that is being used.



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There is no reason your test would have been positive if you are not pregnant, unless you are on fertility drugs.



Well, I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but...although it is extremely, extremely rare, false positives do sometimes happen.


:grouphug: to the OP. I hope you are pregnant!

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Well, I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but...although it is extremely, extremely rare, false positives do sometimes happen.


:grouphug: to the OP. I hope you are pregnant!

No, not a downer but adding a splash of reality. I would love to have another. I even figured I was seeing the plus because I wanted to sooo bad. I even brought it to the DR's but the nurse just snubbed her nose at it (didn't even look at it:glare:) and said she knew nothing about those type of tests. Then she was so curt with me when she said their test was negative....like I just wasted her time. If I do get another positive on a HPT tomorrow, and a blood test confirms it, I will certainly make sure SHE knows her little test was wrong and maybe she should look into the HPT ones for the office.(ok, I wouldn't really seek her out, but feels good saying it)

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FWIW, the Clear Blue Easy (tad more expensive than most) are fairly senstive and will pick up a lower level of HCG. They are usually fairly accurate up to 7 days before your cycle is supposed to begin. (I was the clinical director of a pregnancy center for several years...) I agree with the PP that some of the tests the doctor's offices have are less "senstive" than the ones that can be found over the counter. Generally speaking, for pregnancy tests, the higher the price of the test, the more "sensitive" it is.


Let us know when you retest!! (Congrats!! It's rare to have a false postive...)

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Took the test and it was negative. It was Walgreens store brand. However, my breasts are more sore and I swear they are getting bigger...but of course one starts seeing what they want so who knows. I will wait to see, next week my period should start. If it doesn't or is weird, spotty again I will try again...this time with another Clear Blue.

Is it really weird I still think I might be even if I am getting negatives. :glare:

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So.. what did the test this morning say?? I squint really hard trying to see a faint line on all of my pregnancy tests. :tongue_smilie:

LOL...I do this.

But the one I took that showed a positive was more then a faint line but less then a dark line. I even showed the window to my son (concealed the stick, didn't want him to panic yet)) and asked if he saw a plus or a minus...he said a plus. So I know I wasn't just seeing what I wanted.

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Only the blood tests worked w/ me. Urine tests never worked.


Same here!


I'd suggest a beta-hcg, that'll tell you if you are pregnant and/or if your beta is really low, if you were. If you have a positive beta, then they'll want to do a scan too, especially if you've spotted for a couple of months and they don't know dates.

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Just so you know, I FAILED a dr's Blood Test for being pregnant and 2 days later PASSED a HPT. I'm still scratching my head on THAT one.


If you are testing prior to your start date of your period, tests can be wonky. I only buy the expensive ones, though (except for right now...when I *shouldn't* be pregnant, but due to stress will sometimes have a very late period...)


I hope you get your wish...I haven't gotten mine...yet :D

Edited by LisaK in VA
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