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Nancy Larson or Sonlight for Science?


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I am trying to decide between Nancy Larson 1 and Sonlight science B for my ds who will be 6 and in grade 1 in September. He is going to a Christian school for K this year, but I will be homeschooling him for grade 1.


Any suggestions or advice?



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We used SL 1 (now B) for Ariel's first grade year. I liked the use of "real" books for science and she enjoyed the program. I chose not to continue with SL because the YE/creationist viewpoint gets more focus in later levels and our beliefs are neither YE nor creationist. I looked at NL and decided not to use it because it's overly scripted for us.

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We did SL Science B last year with a 1st and 2nd grader, and we loved it. The books were superb, and the girls often pull the books out later to look at. We did use the DVD experiment video last year, but this year in Science C, I have not used it even once. I'm not sure if I'll continue to buy or not.


As a side, we only mildly enjoy Science C. I just don't like the main text for the book Usborne Book of Knowledge. I love Usborne, but not this one, especially the human body section which has "machines" that are supposed to act like the human body. The animals and birds were good in this book, but the rest of the book is not good IMO.


We will be doing Science D next year.

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I've been using Nancy Larson Science for three years, and my kids wouldn't want anything else.

When I first saw NL Science, I wasn't sure it was for us. I was used to free-wheeling. I wasn't sure about the scripting, too restrictive for my free mind?

Here's what I found. Following the script, my kids automatically got reading and language arts lessons during science. The script included questions that seemed simple (to my adult mind) but actually put the kids into critical thinking mode for their answer. There's career exploration in how the booklets are described. The kids learned study skills so well and easily, they began applying the same techniques to their social studies to figure out what was important in a paragraph, and remember it for later. Nancy Larson is so subtle in how she weaves so much learning into science, it's easy to miss on the first look. (Can't see the trees for the forest.)

My kids are bright, even gifted. BUT, they are also ADHD and one is LD on top of that. My ideas of free wheeling science was just craziness for them. They need the structure NL Science provides. BUT, they won't sit still long (like most programs with reading). This is not a problem with NL Science. Nancy Larson gets how unique kids work. There's a short reading followed by an activity, then review, maybe more reading, and an activity. The lessons are very Montessori in that there's seeing, hearing, touching, moving, and acting. I know when kids see, hear, & touch the learning it sticks. My kids sit still, focus, and love learning. It's like winning the lottery! I'm not stressed, they aren't fussing. It's a slice of heaven.

I wanted to extend the program and make it last longer, stretch their little minds, or just give me more "slice of heaven" time. So I wrote to the NL Science homeschool manager (I'd met her at a conference). She sent me a literature list for each lesson in the program, so we take that with us to the library each week. She also created some learning activities that pull the science into other topics, and my kids love doing more research, creating oral histories, and seeing that learning in one area really connects with everything.

I haven't found any program or company that puts so much into the lessons. I just didn't "get it" at first. Now I/we get it. My kids tell me we will be doing Nancy Larson from now on. "No other science Mom, this works for us." Nuf said.

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  • 1 month later...

You know, I seem to remember that when I looked at Sonlight Science several years ago I had issues with the set up. The books you read during the week do not match up with the video/experiment at the end of the week. How does that make ANY sense? For example, you might be reading about human anatomy that week but your experiment might be on simple levers or growing bean sprouts. (Not a real life example, I just remember it was something totally random like that... )



:iagree:with the others- we are another very happy Nancy Larson Science family!

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  • 3 years later...

I've been using NL Science for about 6 months with my 8 year old daughter. I'm so impressed. I love that my daughter's learning advanced scientific concepts now vs. waiting until middle or high school, and that they're introduced in an age-appropriate way with just the right amount of information per lesson. Each lesson takes about 20-30 minutes and the fact that it's scripted (I realize some find this oppressive, but I do not) comforts me -- I know no concepts are missed, and I don't need to prepare prior to a lesson. It's "open and go" as some on this board say. 


I'm using NL 3 and our current unit is covering the periodic table of the elements. My husband has a degree in chemical engineering and was so surprised (and thrilled) that elements, atoms, and compounds are being introduced in the elementary years. I can't say enough good things about Nancy Larson Science. What a find! Worth every penny. 

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I've been using NL Science for about 6 months with my 8 year old daughter. I'm so impressed. I love that my daughter's learning advanced scientific concepts now vs. waiting until middle or high school, and that they're introduced in an age-appropriate way with just the right amount of information per lesson. Each lesson takes about 20-30 minutes and the fact that it's scripted (I realize some find this oppressive, but I do not) comforts me -- I know no concepts are missed, and I don't need to prepare prior to a lesson. It's "open and go" as some on this board say. 


I'm using NL 3 and our current unit is covering the periodic table of the elements. My husband has a degree in chemical engineering and was so surprised (and thrilled) that elements, atoms, and compounds are being introduced in the elementary years. I can't say enough good things about Nancy Larson Science. What a find! Worth every penny. 


This is wonderful to hear!


Do you think having a rhythm of doing NL 2-3 days a week in a row, or every other day would be too spars to do only twice a week? I'm wanting to pair it with Sonlight science and wanted to see how doable it would be...

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NL science came out too late for us, but my friend has loved it for her youngest! It's pricey but it's been worth every penny for them.


I liked but didn't love SL science, and after a couple of years, tried a few other things. 


You know, I seem to remember that when I looked at Sonlight Science several years ago I had issues with the set up. The books you read during the week do not match up with the video/experiment at the end of the week. How does that make ANY sense? For example, you might be reading about human anatomy that week but your experiment might be on simple levers or growing bean sprouts. (Not a real life example, I just remember it was something totally random like that... )


As far as this part goes...Sonlight's reasoning is that many times there just isn't an applicable experiment to do. For example, you can do a project based on astronomy but an experiment would be difficult. Or animals...experiments would be frowned upon, LOL! The experiment books SL used were interesting, though we didn't always get them done. Anyway, I agree integrating somehow makes more sense (for the hands-on to reinforce the reading), and is what made me look at other things, but I do understand why they took that approach (short of rewriting/creating their own science instead of putting books together...) 



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Others have said it all about NL Science—especially hericane! We have used parts of NL 1 so far and I got NL 2 and 3 used for a great price at my homeschool convention's used curriculum fair. My kiddoes and I love this curriculum and I am not typically a big fan of scripted lessons. I feel free to go off script as I wish ; P.


The price is well...... very pricey, especially as you go up the levels. Check out Ebay, homeschool classifieds, craigslist, consignment sales/curriculum sales, yahoo used curriculum swap/sale groups, etc., for the gently used teacher manuals. Nancy Larson sells student sheets/workbooks if you need a new one. I have found material kits used as well as compiled them myself pretty cheaply.

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  • 8 months later...

I've been using Nancy Larson Science for three years, and my kids wouldn't want anything else.

When I first saw NL Science, I wasn't sure it was for us. I was used to free-wheeling. I wasn't sure about the scripting, too restrictive for my free mind?

Here's what I found. Following the script, my kids automatically got reading and language arts lessons during science. The script included questions that seemed simple (to my adult mind) but actually put the kids into critical thinking mode for their answer. There's career exploration in how the booklets are described. The kids learned study skills so well and easily, they began applying the same techniques to their social studies to figure out what was important in a paragraph, and remember it for later. Nancy Larson is so subtle in how she weaves so much learning into science, it's easy to miss on the first look. (Can't see the trees for the forest.)

My kids are bright, even gifted. BUT, they are also ADHD and one is LD on top of that. My ideas of free wheeling science was just craziness for them. They need the structure NL Science provides. BUT, they won't sit still long (like most programs with reading). This is not a problem with NL Science. Nancy Larson gets how unique kids work. There's a short reading followed by an activity, then review, maybe more reading, and an activity. The lessons are very Montessori in that there's seeing, hearing, touching, moving, and acting. I know when kids see, hear, & touch the learning it sticks. My kids sit still, focus, and love learning. It's like winning the lottery! I'm not stressed, they aren't fussing. It's a slice of heaven.

I wanted to extend the program and make it last longer, stretch their little minds, or just give me more "slice of heaven" time. So I wrote to the NL Science homeschool manager (I'd met her at a conference). She sent me a literature list for each lesson in the program, so we take that with us to the library each week. She also created some learning activities that pull the science into other topics, and my kids love doing more research, creating oral histories, and seeing that learning in one area really connects with everything.

I haven't found any program or company that puts so much into the lessons. I just didn't "get it" at first. Now I/we get it. My kids tell me we will be doing Nancy Larson from now on. "No other science Mom, this works for us." Nuf said.

Does NL end at 4 th grade? I used 2nd grade a few years back and enjoyed it.

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They are actually levels and not grades. I use the levels and combine some of my kids. The website lists the appropriate ages for each level.

Level 4 is the last one. However, Level 5 is being written and will be out sometime next year I think.

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