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What are the options for covering US History in one yr w/ a 12 yr old?

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I already looked at Sonlight-it's just too much-I want a lighter overview than that. But then Notgrass Amer History (the middle school one) looks *too* light.


Christian perspective would be great! Maybe MOH? We're doing it for Middle Ages this yr and it's just ok-she is not retaining a lot.


What about the BJU? Could we finish that in one yr if we also do the student supplement that has the primary sources, etc?


Any other ideas? She's pretty advanced, so she could handle higher than her level. But we have a lot of other irons in the fire next yr, so I basically just want a good solid overview with good retention.


I thought about just having her read the Hakim books on her own, but worried about the liberal slant.

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We are using (2 fourth graders) SOTW 2/3/4, Hakim and Grueber's two books on US history this year. I do the reading aloud and we are focussing ONLY on the US history sections. We did cover Native Americans, Vikings and the exploration age first for a solid background.


For your 12 she may enjoy the Grueber books as they are written at a level she could read on her own and broken into smaller bits.


Other books to supplement can be found here




Audio Books available



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I'm planning to go with the Notgrass America the Beautiful course next year for dd as a one year study of the U.S. After looking at a number of courses, I finally narrowed it down to this one. It seems to have a different flavor than most of the others in that the reading isn't dry, there are connections to people and culture, lots of photos and interesting facts woven throughout.




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I'm planning to go with the Notgrass America the Beautiful course next year for dd as a one year study of the U.S. After looking at a number of courses, I finally narrowed it down to this one. It seems to have a different flavor than most of the others in that the reading isn't dry, there are connections to people and culture, lots of photos and interesting facts woven throughout.





:iagree:with the bolded parts. dd14 is using it this year because we wanted a light but solid history year. Dd is really enjoying it. Between the timeline, mapwork, primary source documents and the literature I feel it is just enough (45-60 minutes\4x a week). You could easily add more living books, biographies, documentaries, or lit to this to make it a bit more thorough, but it really is pretty sufficient for a one year sweep.

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Our 10 yr ds is doing Middle Ages this year and my goal is to get to American History next like you.


Can I suggest you take a look at the Veritas Press Self-Paced online classes? I was not a fan of online classes, but this program has changed my mind. The amount of info that ds has retained from the Middle Ages classes is amazing, and I look forward to having him do American History this way. The classes are discounted to $99 each if you join a group that totals 10. Just search these boards for info.

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