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Homeschool "classroom" pictures

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Yup! I want to start another one of these threads. :) I'm cleaning out a room this week and want to get my final "ideas" before pulling the trigger on buying stuff. I've scoured the "search"... but want more! Please post your awesome rooms - or those that you have seen that you wish you had!

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We don't have a homeschooling room - DH built a desk and a couple shelves in the corner of the dining room, and a friend gave us a large armoire that I keep a lot of stuff in on the other side of the dining room! :)

I love looking at pictures, though. I already have in my head what I want when we move (no idea when that'll be, but I have this idea in my head and no matter how many other rooms I look at, this one is still my favorite!)

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I have to post my homeschool classroom in several seperate posts, since I do not know how to do them all in one post. Please bear with me :001_smile:

I teach 4 children in 4 different grades so I try to condense all subjects and everything into one area. For this reason I use every square inch of the room including floors and ceilings for an optimal educational atmosphere :) Which results in this fun for us homeschool room ! There are 4 pictures posted in four different posts of the 4 different walls of our homeschooling room.



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In this photo you can see our computer area to the right with our two computers. You can also see my " handmade by my husband" horseshoe table which allows me to sit in the center and swivel my chair to help each of my 4 children that sit around the table. You can also see our rain gutter bookshelf filled to the brim with books on Ancient Egypt as well as our Ancient History timeline underneath.


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This photo shows a close up of our table (which also has 3 wooden dividers on legs) that are not pictured that allows me to make the table into seperate "desks" with the wooden dividers set up. The wooden dividers allow my children to still see me but not be distracted by each other while we are studying individual subjects for each of their grades. It also is great for testing purposes. I just give each child sound proof headphones to use with the dividers to allow them better concentration and privacy even while sitting right next to each other. You can also see my "shower curtain" periodic element table over our half door.

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Here is one more picture I found to post and show you my favorite "homeschool purchase" this year which is our Aussie Chair Pouches. Since we don't have desks and my children needed a place to keep their individual notebooks, pens and pencils and small white boards I purchased these Aussie pouches for the backs of each of their chairs. I got one for each of them in their own colors. My 13 year old son is trimmed in red, my 11 year old daughter is trimmed in her yellow, my 8 year old son is trimmed in his orange color and my 6 year old son's pouch is trimmed in his color blue. I was really pleased with these pouches since they hold up so well and are very sturdy even with daily use and wear and tear. The chairs themselves came from our local library that sold them for only 1 dollar each when they decided to change up their furniture. I was thrilled to purchase them for so cheap, since they are very sturdy chairs and take a beaten from my childrens constant use.

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Here are mine


If you flip backwards, there are about 5. This was right after I cleaned the room last year and before we started back to school. It hasn't been that clean since (a year ago)


I am love these photos. I get to spend the next few months taking over the family room. Dd is doing more with us, so I have finally convinced dh that we should just embrace our crazy and let homeschool take over.

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sorry I'm jumping in so late, but mine are on the sidebar of my blog. If you click on it, it will pop open a photobucket page with them larger.


I love the colors on your wall - cheerful but not blinding, bright but not loud.


I've been trying to decide if I want to change from our current extended kitchen table for everyone set-up to something like yours where everyone has his or her own desk and they're butted up against each other.


Is that working out well for you?

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I love the colors on your wall - cheerful but not blinding, bright but not loud.


I've been trying to decide if I want to change from our current extended kitchen table for everyone set-up to something like yours where everyone has his or her own desk and they're butted up against each other.


Is that working out well for you?


Thanks, we LOVE the color, before we changed it, the room was eggplant purple and dark, dark, dark (the landlord had picked it, but was fine with us changing it)


I had one big table before what we have now but the leg broke and I love that these new ones have the easy to clean tops and adjustable legs, so everyone's desk is the right height for them. We also each have more space and it's cut down on the "Mom, he/she is hogging the table" complaints since there are very clear boundries. I also like that if I want I can change them and put mine in front of the white board and move the kids ones in a kind of trapezoid/half-circle pattern in front of me if I want. If the kids get to much in each others nerves we just pull them apart by a half foot or so and problem solved. In short I wish I would have just bought these for the very begiining instead of cycling through all the desk and table combos we'd tried over the last 5 years.

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This was our homeschool room in Texas before we left the states..



I loved it! We are currently living in a 300 sq. foot house WITH another family (a missionary family we host) while we build our "real" home so yeah.. homeschool room is currently the porch. Looking forward to having space again.

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I love all of these rooms. I used to have one in the basement, but the winter got a bit long down there. Now we work in the kitchen.


I'd love to see some other kitchen-schools? (If there is any...)


This was my post EXACTLY!!! When we remodeled out kitchen, DH built a bench seat (with storage!!!) and two tall cabinets on either side; And we moved upstairs. Although Cincinnati has had more rain than Seattle this year, we might well have been better off in the Basement!!

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I love all of these rooms. I used to have one in the basement, but the winter got a bit long down there. Now we work in the kitchen.


I'd love to see some other kitchen-schools? (If there is any...)


I will hopefully have some in the new year. We are moving to our family/kitchen.

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I've posted pictures before, but here is another link to our 'Live & Learn Studio' that we finished remodeling in September. We've really enjoyed having this extra living space and it works great for lessons!


I LOVE it but holy cow that room is half the size of my whole house lol I don't think the town will approve me building an office on my lawn so that I can have that school room. It is pretty much what I would want if I had the space to do it.

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I love all of these rooms. I used to have one in the basement, but the winter got a bit long down there. Now we work in the kitchen.


I'd love to see some other kitchen-schools? (If there is any...)


I am currently finishing up moving furniture around between the kitchen and livingroom to make it better for us space wise. I will try to get some pics up this week. We bounce back and forth between the kitchen and livingroom for school. We have a basement but it is not a fullsize one, the ceilings are barely 6' and it leaks badly in the spring so no classroom down there for us.

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I finished ours for the boys' Christmas. This room has been everything, DH's computer room, DS's room, playroom. I love how it turned out. The shelves and cubbies are from Ikea. I made the table, shelf hanging above it, and the measuring chart. The brown table is where we do school work, it belonged to my grandmother. The bottom cubbies/shelves have toys and puzzles for DS2.


View from doorway




Reading Area




Growth Chart and Magnet strips to display artwork



Art/craft table. I'm sure the shelf above it will be filled with manipulatives before long!




This is where we do school work. I have a world map similar to the US map that needs quilted and hung.




Blocks with DS5's artwork above. I'll hang our calendar/circle time materials to the right of this area.




Drawers of paper/stickers/flashcards and DS2's artwork.


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I LOVE it but holy cow that room is half the size of my whole house lol I don't think the town will approve me building an office on my lawn so that I can have that school room. It is pretty much what I would want if I had the space to do it.


Oh, I hear you. My house is pretty small, especially with 6 of us. The 3 boys share a small bedroom. That's why we needed that space so badly. It REALLY added to our living space. I'm so glad we had that shop available, since we couldn't afford to add on to the house!

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I've been showing my daughter some of these pictures. She wants me to post photos of our "library" but I need my husband to help me move the Christmas tree out first! I love all of these cozy rooms, but they look much neater than my house. How do you do that?

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Ikea Expedit shelving seems to be a common thread in many of your pictures. I have them, too, and love, love, love them. Those and our Billy Bookshelves. Will try to post pics after I get my rooms cleaned up!


Don't wait till it's cleaned up! Messy rooms always make me feel better about the state of my house :D

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