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What kind of dog to get?

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I know so little about dog breeds, but we've been planning to get a dog for years and the time to do so is now coming so I need to start looking into it. I just wanted to get all the kids to an age where they could be gentle enough and all potty trained before we considered it. Plus we needed to build a fence.


We'd like a dog that is smallish, but not yappy. Good with kids, obviously. I'd prefer it doesn't shed a lot or require any professional grooming. We don't mind doing brushing and bathing, and are good with lots of walks.


Any recommendations or tips to share about things I need to consider?



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With a 2 yo old you have to be really careful. I'd get a really placid, sweet dog, like a Basset hound. A church were we used to go had one that just belonged to the church. He was the sweetest thing, was gentle as anything and loved all the attention from the preschool kids.

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Well, we wanted a small, non-shedding dog and ended up bringing home the cutest border collie I'd ever seen, so we're pretty weak! :)


Good luck with smallish but not yappy. We tried taking my grandma's little...similar to a small bichon frise, but it was so dang yappy, we couldn't stand it. Those little dogs can be really hard to house train, as well. Some people love those little ones though!


Are you going to get a dog that's a little older, so you will already know its bad habits? Unless you are dying to do a puppy, I'd suggest getting a dog that's at least a year old. Check out your local shelter and see what's available.


I'm really glad we don't have to go to the groomer.


FWIW, I think long hair is easier to clean that short hair. Our friends have a beagle and its hair sticks to everything, and it's hard to get it all in the vacuum.

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We have a Boston Terrier. He does not shed, he has put up with everything our three year old does to him. He loves to be part of the family. He is great (although he is now a grumpy old man ;) )


They are easy to groom, except nails. Ours has mostly black and I cut the quick one time and he is now very protective of his paws when I have slippers! It takes a lot of bribing!


They are smart and can be protective. He only barks when someone is at the door. Evidence training goes a long way with the breed.

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We have Papillons http://www.akc.org/breeds/papillon/. They are the best dogs we have ever had. Small, easy to groom and not yappy. Ours weigh between 9-10 lbs. Alot of people out there have bred them down to 4-5 pounds but I don't like that size. They shed very little, have no doggie odor, only need to be bathed every few months and require no clipping. They are very smart and easy to train and have great personalities. They love to play but are not overly hyper. feel free to ask any questions. I LOVE MY DOGS!!!

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Our pug has been a wonderful family pet. We got him about 3 months before our youngest son was born and they're fast friends. He does shed a bit if we don't brush him, but I'm not sure about the "lots of walks" requirement you have. Due to their pushed in faces you have to be careful with temperature when they are out and active. We can't take our boy for walks until after sundown in the summer due to the heat and how easily he could over heat. His walks also stay pretty short. We once took him to a local state park and on the 1.25 mile trail he stopped dead at the 1/2 mile mark and laid down. He then gave us a look like "you guys keep going I'll just wait here for you" LOL

They are definitely a fun loving breed (clowns of the dog world) and ours has put up with whatever our kids did with him, including dressing him up.

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The best dog I ever had was a mutt

from a Rescue Society. She was about

a year and a half and the Rescue Society

lady who ran it had two kids the age of

my child. The dog got along great with

her kids, so that's how I felt good bringing

an older dog with my young child.


She was the best dog ever.


Don't pass up the older dogs! You do have to

check if they are good with kids though--so do

your research!

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I prefer good old mutts...less health problems in our experience (pure bred beagle died of a heart arrythmia at 3 years of age that went undetected, Old English sheep dogs both had genetic skin conditions, Lhasa Apso also had skin conditions) all the mutts we've had have had perfect health and lived pain free lives...maybe it's just luck....most our 'pure' breeds were rescues...so we had no clue of their breeding..just way too many overbred purebreds out there....that's the main problem


If you go purebred, the one with the least problems that I know of would be a yorkie of some sort...my friend's is bigger than most but never barks, is a lap dog and just a lovie!

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Our miniature schnauzers (ton of photos on my blog) would fall into two of your "NO" columns. They need to be groomed and while our dogs don't bark in the house or yard, I have seen them get yippy around other dogs.


On the other hand, my son's best friend has 2 small dogs and 1 medium sized dog and those dogs yip/bark all the time. Plus the medium sized dog (a sweet mutt) sheds so badly. My son comes home just covered with dog hair. I would go out of my mind with a dog that shed hair everywhere.


When you find a breed you think you might like, try to find a rescue for that breed. Most rescue places have young to old dogs and they know their dogs well enough to try to find the right one for you.

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We have a cavalier king charles/bichon mix ("Cavachon") and LOVE him. He's only 15 lbs but is a bit taller than most small dogs. He has a great, easy-going personality. He is low/no shed but needs grooming b/c his hair will grow long if you let it. He has curly hair so has that messy/cute wiry dog look to him. He would walk for ages if you wanted to but will also sit at your feet and sleep if you're taking it easy.

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We have a 7 yo Boston Terrier. He is over all a wonderful dog. He has been so excellent with all of the kids doing all kinds of things to him and never being bothered. It is great that he does not shed and doesn't bark to much. My only complaint is that because the breed has eyes that bulge out, he has had quite a few eye injuries. They are easy enough to treat with eye drops. We have learned to keep eye drops in the fridge at all times to treat on our own. Oh, and he has a bad case of small dog syndrome and flips out whenever another dog goes by on a walk, etc.


We also just got a German Short-hair Pointer, that we are so happy with. She is the most docile happy go lucky dog we have ever encountered. A true angel with the kids. They are obviously not a small dog, but I highly recommend.

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