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Can you share your daily rhythm/routine?

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I have a terribly difficult time ordering my days. I know if I had some sort of external motivation (e.g. getting ready for school, dropping kids off at school...) then I would feel more grounded. I don't want the kids in school and I don't want to leave the house but I need something. I feel lost and unmotivated.


How do you order your days! Please no flylady or MOTH schedules :D.

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PreK Math

2nd grade Math

PreK reading

2nd grade Literature

PreK playtime

2nd grade rest of subjects






Read Alouds




We have no times set with any of the above, but that is roughly what our day looks like. Of course, when we have meetups or classes the schedule is changed a bit. I make sure though to schedule those meetups & classes for the afternoon though so I can ensure school gets done in the morning.

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Well, currently I'm working part time and dd is in school (and oldest is in college--middle ds is...stuck). But back when we did homeschool--


I'd get up around 7:30 or 8, take care of the animals (let the dog out, feed the cat, let the bird who always lives in our garage out), make coffee, and spend a moment on the computer. After that, I'd fix breakfast or at least fix my breakfast, and take a shower (sometimes taking a shower before the kids got up).


We'd start school at 9. Dd and I did a devotion; oldest ds did his devotion on his own before school and showered then, too. After that, we'd generally do math, then whatever else was on the agenda.


Around 10:30 we'd have a snack--most of the time dd had a glass of water on the table at the beginning of the am. By the time snack time rolled around, the cat had usually drank out of it, so it was time for another one...:D


Anyway, we'd finish up with her stuff around 11:30 or 12, with some back-and-forth between her and ds. (He used Omnibus 2 years and Sonlight one year--his dad taught him math at night, and he could ask me at any time for help with whatever else was on his plate. He was usually done w/school by 4 or so.) We'd read aloud sometime in there, and in the afternoon, too.


We go get the mail with the dog (long driveway) after lunch, and sometimes spend a little time outdoors.


Free afternoons, generally.


Dinner started around 4:30, eat around 5:45 or 6 or even 6:30 on a lazy or busy day.


Reading, TV, chores, whatever for the rest of the night.


Pretty un-exciting and undisciplined here.


Oh, and middle son was in residential treatment for a while--sometimes he was near enough to visit and have therapy with, and sometimes he was very far away and we couldn't see him at all. When he did come home, ds22 was nearly done with school. I'd take middle son to school at around 7am and pick him up around 2:30pm.

Edited by Chris in VA
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I take my shower at night (and wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen sink) so that I can get up and get dressed right away. I also make my bed before I leave my bedroom. I am ready for the day. :D


I keep my kitchen clean all day. It's the last thing I do before I go to bed: make sure my kitchen is clean. I put out a new dishtowel and dishcloth in the morning, every morning.


So when I come out to the kitchen first thing in the morning, I'm dressed, my bed is made, and the kitchen is clean. If I get nothing else done all day, I still feel like half my housework is finished. :001_smile:


I do all my household laundry on Friday--sheets, towels, dishcloths & towels. Clean sheets on the bed, clean towels in the bathrooms. I used to do my clothing on Friday, as well, but now I do it on Thursday. I don't like to do laundry on the weekends. I like all of us having clean undies for church Sunday morning. :D I don't like having to jump into the week by doing laundry on Monday.


So weekends are free of laundry.


I clean the bathrooms on Fridays, as well. I used to clean the whole house on Friday (including laundry), but I had a much smaller house then. :001_smile: So now I at least clean the bathrooms.


So at least one day a week the bathrooms are clean. No laundry or major cleaning on weekends. Clean clothing for the weekend, plus I don't have to jump on anything on Monday (I like to ease into the week). Clean kitchen every morning, including dishtowel and dishcloth. Dressed and bed made first thing in the morning. Just these things make me feel sane and fairly organized. :D

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Granted... it's the holidays and our schedule is out the window, but here goes a sampling!


6am-7am: Up, dog, breakfast, coffee

7:15-7:30: clean up breakfast, make beds, into workout gear, pull boys clothes out

7:30-8:45: workout, boys are allowed to watch some disney or play in playroom. (They usually split their time between the two as the toys are upstairs and the t.v. downstairs.)

8:45-9:30: shower, breakfast for me, get dressed

9:30-10:30'ish: School Time starts, usually get Math, Language, Handwriting, Phonics/Reading lessons done

11am-1:30- Classes at our local Parent Participation Program...art, science, music, math, geography tae kwon do etc. depending on the day of the week.

2:00-3:15'ish- Finish up school work at home... usually history, science, geography, spelling and anything that didn't happen in the a.m. (This can extend as long as it takes to get it all done for the day!)

4:00-5:30 Boys have free play/relax time but not t.v. or videos during this time! I cook dinner, do laundry, pay bills, vacuum etc. during this time (but not all of these each day!).

5:30: Dinner

6:15-7:30 p.m.: Free time again and this time they can choose to play the Wii or watch a movie.

7:30-8pm: Get ready for bed, read a chapter from a chapter book. Currently 'Treasure Island'.

8Pm-10pm: More bill paying, possibly work on my photography biz, and watch some t.v. for myself than off to bed!


Also, our enrichment classes are at varied times, so our times adjust around those class times. Tuesday and Thursday are chaos... Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are less so.


Hope that helps!

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I am very undisciplined too! It is hard for me to stick to routine and I can't really do schedules at all, unless, like you there is an outside commitment that gives me external structure. Have you heard of 'pegging' where you peg something you want to get done to something that you know will get done? For instance in the a.m. I get up early (I just do!), feed the pets and unload the dishwasher while waiting for my coffee, so waiting for coffee is pegged to those two chores. At breakfast I read aloud to the kids, so those things are pegged. Right after breakfast is table time where the kids do copywork, Latin and Math. Whenever I start to get dinner ready that is pegged to evening tidy up time for everybody. When doing laundry, I put all the clean clothes on my bed so that getting into bed is pegged to putting laundry away. So in my mind I tie everything I want to get done with something that probably will get done.


I also do this on a weekly basis. For instance, every Sat morning we get bagels, so Sat morning is usually pegged with cleaning out the fridge and planning weekly shopping. That's what I do when I munch on my bagel! Sundays after church is when I shop I know I'm supposed to be resting but now that my kids are all old enough, going shopping without them is kinda restful! And before when they were younger they'd stay home with their dad on Sunday afternoons, often.


Pegging helps me maintain rhythm and routine.

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All times are approximate.

6 - up for coffee and talk with dh before he leaves for work

7 - dress, make bed, read/Bible study

8 - drive dd15 to public schools

8:30 - take care of animals

9 - wake other dc, breakfast, read aloud

10 - bible together then school work with dc - dd12 and ds9 usually start on independent work while dd7 and I work together

1 - lunch, read aloud

2 - science or history

3 - complete school day

5 - get ready for dinner and do house chores

7 - supervise dinner clean up and general straightening or chores

8 to bed - family time/read/computer

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Workout (ds11 and I)

Breakfast around 8


School starts at 9 (individual lessons)

School until lunch around noon

Afternoon school (combined lessons and music practice)

Afternoon activity, if there is one

Play (kids)/Make dinner (me)






I found that I work best with this kind of routine, in which one activity follows another. A "What's next?" routine. It seems to work better than a schedule based on the clock because I get stressed if we're late.



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Two older kids get up and play (oldest practices guitar too)

I get up and dressed

Make breakfast

Start school

Kids work separately in the morning. I alternate between them.


Kids' active playtime / exercise / my break

School - finish up individual work and complete any group work.

Kids do chores (amount depends on any energy drain they caused me during the day by whining or complaining - a whine-free day has chores that take about 5 minutes)

Kid's playtime (continues until bedtime)

Make dinner

Clean up the kitchen (only do this once a day)

Shower/bath time for kids

Bedtime for kids

After bedtime I shower, relax, and work for an online company for 1.5-2 hours.

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I do better if I get up, shower and brush teeth, dress, and then HIT THE GROUND RUNNING. After I've been running about 45 minutes or an hour, I have a cup of coffee and sit down and plan out what I need to do next. As soon as the coffee is down, I plunge into things. Having that list of goals helps. I know myself, and my list of goals is always too long. I never get everything done. If I find I am getting everything done, I take on a new task, like putting in a veggie garden.


In the old days, I worked until I couldn't stay up any more. Now that I have some stiff joints, etc. I work until I hurt, and then I visit with you ladies. :)

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It's typically like this:


6:30am - Up and out, driving dd(15) & dh to the subway

7:15am - dd(18) and I spend an hour at the gym

8:30am - Shower, coffee, & morning cleaning routine (laundry, put away dishes, wipe down bathroom, make beds) plus one larger 15 minute chore.

10:30am - 2 to 3 hours of homeschooling with ds(10) or all-day field trip or class. Mondays is grocery shopping at around 1pm.

4:00pm - Take ds to karate (2x/week & also on Sat. morning) or ds play outside with kids on the block.

5:15pm - drop ds off at home and go to work til 10pm.

10:30pm - Eat dinner (not good, I know)

11:00pm - Evening routine (dishes, clean counters and stovetop, sweep, 10-minute pickup)

11:45pm -Computer time, then bed

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My ideal daily schedule (subject to daily hiccups)


6:00 up, empty dishwasher, clean kitchen, drink tea, read newspaper, enjoy the quiet

7:00 kids up, eat breakfast together, free reading time after breakfast until 8

8:00 start school, ds math lesson/worksheet on his own, dd math lesson/worksheet together

9:00 alternate between kids for dd (phonics & writing) and ds (grammar, writing, other ds specific subjects)

11:00 common subjects (science/history/geography)

12:00 lunch

after lunch finish up subjects and chores, kids free time until dinner, I do chores and try to exercise


All day, picking up toys, putting away stuff, and general cleaning.


Weekly schedule

Mon - Library, drycleaning, groceries, finances

Tues - Laundry, downstairs chores (dust, vacuum, mop floors)

Wed - Clean bathrooms, wash towels and rugs

Thurs - Bed linens, upstairs chores (dust, vacuum, mop floors)

Fri - Laundry, summer-garden work and winter-decluttering


I like to leave the weekends free.

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I knew I could count on you ladies!


I think maybe I should add a morning walk before I get dressed for the day. I also think I need to hit the ground running (thanks Kalanamak) since mornings are my most productive hours. I may shift things like computer and bible time to the late afternoon and do my housework early. I like that. :)


Pegging idea--genius!


I have always liked the Ma Ingalls idea of different work for different days.


I'm surprised how similar my days are to many of yours. My worst hours are between 2 and 6. Maybe I should join the YMCA and head there in the afternoons...


Thanks to everyone who shared!

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We aim for:


6 am -- I get up and get moving for the day.

7 am -- Kids get up, get dressed, make beds, bring down laundry, do two morning tasks each; I dress the little ones, make my bed, start laundry, and make breakfast.

7:30 -- breakfast (plus poetry and Bible reading); then brush teeth and clear breakfast dishes, maybe wash any large pans left from the previous night (DD empties the dishwasher before breakfast, so that makes it easy to clean up the kitchen). Switch laundry.

8:00 -- Schoolwork time. Get 3yo settled with something to do. Depending on the baby's needs, I either start DD on her independent work while I work with DS1, or I do history and other whole-family subjects (some are easier to do when he's nursing vs. sleeping). When DS1 is done, he and DS2 go off to play, and I work with DD.

10:00 -- We finish with whatever schoolwork needs my assistance; DD finishes her reading, writing, math practice, etc. and asks for help as needed. Kids tidy their rooms. I clean, prep dinner, fold laundry, whatever. (This rarely actually happens, but it's my goal.)

12:00 -- Lunch, lunch cleanup.

12:30ish -- I really want to put some more thought into this time for the coming year. I'd like it to include a focus on reading with my 3yo, since so often my readalouds are geared toward the older children. I'd also like to be more intentional about setting up art projects and doing handwork and such with the older children.

Kids can do crafts, play, go outside, etc. in the afternoon. I really want to be intentional about planning most outings for the afternoons too, to guard our good schoolwork time in the mornings. Some time for me to work on my projects as well. Put away the laundry, vacuum, etc.

4:00ish -- Kids pick up their toys and projects, and I make dinner (if it didn't get started in the morning). I also want to have my older children more involved in food prep.

5:30ish -- Dinner

6:00 -- Clean up, finish putting away toys and such, baths, outside time when it's light out, etc.

7:00 -- Readaloud time

8:00 -- Kids in bed; quiet reading in their beds.

8:30 -- Lights out for kids.

10:00 -- Lights out for adults.


It never, ever looks that good, but at least it's a goal. :)

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