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How long to wait before going back to parents' house?

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Last night, my nephew who was staying at mom's and dad's house started throwing up. All over everything. Two couches, the dining room table, etc, etc. we had been in the same house with them for a couple hours, but decided to leave last night to limit exposure. Good thing as my dad started getting sick last night too.


Both are feeling a bit better today. Neither has throw up in about 4 hours. How long do we wait before going back? How long until those germs all over the house are gone?


ETA: We ended up staying at the hotel for two nights. On the third morning, nephew threw up AGAIN! We made the decision to come home. I stopped by the house yesterday to pick up a couple things we'd left behind and hugged my mom goodbye.


Last night, mom started throwing up. I'm SOOOOO glad we left. They cancelled their first New Year's party in 50 years!!!! This is my first New Year's away from home. It's weird and sad. But, we're healthy. And, seems like we dodged this bullet.


Thanks for all your information and advice!!! Nephew was VERY nearly hospitalized. They couldn't find a vein at the ER for a blood draw. They took blood from his NECK!!! Poor guyl.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I'd assume you were already exposed. :001_huh:


If I lived nearby, I'd stay away from the house to avoid further exposure. If it was a rare opportunity to visit those people, I'd just go for it- operating under the assumption we'd already been exposed and would likely become sick.


:iagree: You have already been exposed-"enjoy" your visit.

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I'd assume you were already exposed. :001_huh:


If I lived nearby, I'd stay away from the house to avoid further exposure. If it was a rare opportunity to visit those people, I'd just go for it- operating under the assumption we'd already been exposed and would likely become sick.


We live three hours away. We are in a hotel right now. My sis and her dh live ten hours away. Another aunt and uncle are coming and they live 5 hours away. Ugh.


Yes. We were exposed. But it wasn't for long. And, if we'd stayed, we would have had even more exposure.


Darnit! I hate these decisions. But I hate being sick even more!

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We live three hours away. We are in a hotel right now. My sis and her dh live ten hours away. Another aunt and uncle are coming and they live 5 hours away. Ugh.


Yes. We were exposed. But it wasn't for long. And, if we'd stayed, we would have had even more exposure.


Darnit! I hate these decisions. But I hate being sick even more!


Good luck whichever you choose! Stomach bugs are the worst. Dealing with that in a hotel or car sounds miserable. :001_huh: Make sure you keep some sort of receptacle handy in the car. Cars are never quite the same after being puked in. :ack2:

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You were exposed, but you may not contract it.


Still...to be safe, have you considered wearing a mask? Everyone could purchase a mask and wear it. Granted it's not for the fashion conscious :tongue_smilie: but it would keep germs at bay. I had to wear one many years ago at our traditional family gathering on Christmas Eve. I did NOT want to miss this. We celebrated this for about 50 years until a few years ago! So, I wore a mask! It worked.

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