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Books for brand new parents

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If you had to choose only one or two of your absolute must-read books for new parents (or parents with only an infant) what would they be?


I'm thinking of these 3, would they be appropriate? Any others that you would add instead?


Protecting the Gift

Hold on to Your Kids

Dr. Sears The Baby Book

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I don't have any names of books, but I'd give them one that taught them how to get a baby/child into a regular schedule so that the whole family runs smoothly and gets enough sleep. Something about the importance of routines maybe??


I can't even remember where I read something like that years ago, but that was more helpful than anything else I ever read about kids back when our dc were tiny. And whatever I read gave all the reasoning behind the how-to, so I knew exactly what my goal was vs just a 'make them do this or that' attitude.


Sorry I don't have any titles for you.




A fantastic one about the importance of routines and how to implement them without being overly rigid is "Secrets of the Babywhisperer: How to Calm, Connect and Communicate with your Baby" by Tracy Hogg. I give this book at every baby shower I get invited to.

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If they are planning on breastfeeding, there is a LLL book I found extremely helpful as a new mom. I think it is titled The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (as cheesy as that title sounds :tongue_smilie:). I also really like Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas, but it is written specifically to Christians.



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My first thought is the Dr Sear baby book. BUT if they are canadian I recommend the Mother of all Baby Books followed by the Mother of all toddler books. I was interviewed for both and quoted in the toddler one ;) It's my claim to fame from back in 2002.


Ohhh, now I want to go check them out just to see what you said. What page are you on?

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I love the Dr Sears book. It has great baby/parenting advise and it is a great go to for medical stuff for the 1st 2 years. I have given it as a gift and people like it


If they are planning on breastfeeding, there is a LLL book I found extremely helpful as a new mom. I think it is titled The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (as cheesy as that title sounds :tongue_smilie:).




For new parents I ALWAYS give Dr. Sear's Baby Book.


:iagree::iagree: These were the only ones I really went to with both my dc.

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Happiest Baby on the Block. I often give that as a gift, sometimes along with a Miracle Blanket.


I like Penelope Leach, Your Baby and Child, but the AMA Guide is a great choice, too.


My personal favorite is Ellyn Satter, Child of Mine: Feeding With Love and Good Sense, but whether I'd give it as a baby gift it would depend on the giftee. I've also given memoirs and collections of essays: Operating Instructions (Lamott), Because I Said So (Peri and Moses) and for someone expecting a subsequent baby, my all-time favorite, Waiting for Birdy (Newman). I've also given subscriptions to Brain, Child magazine.

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Happiest Baby on the Block, and a book about sleep. I forget the name of my favorite, but it has bands of colorful stripes horizontally on the cover.


I woudn't give Protecting the Gift. It is a great book, but parents of newborns are scared enough already and I don't think it would be that helpful in those first few months.

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Happiest Baby on the Block. I often give that as a gift, sometimes along with a Miracle Blanket.


I like Penelope Leach, Your Baby and Child, but the AMA Guide is a great choice, too.


My personal favorite is Ellyn Satter, Child of Mine: Feeding With Love and Good Sense, but whether I'd give it as a baby gift it would depend on the giftee. I've also given memoirs and collections of essays: Operating Instructions (Lamott), Because I Said So (Peri and Moses) and for someone expecting a subsequent baby, my all-time favorite, Waiting for Birdy (Newman). I've also given subscriptions to Brain, Child magazine.

I give the DVD instead of the book, b/c it's super helpful to be able to hold your crying baby and copy the 5 S's shown on the screen instead of trying to juggle reading his book with a fussy baby :).

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