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Wells Fargo mortgage--looking for good and bad experiences

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I seem to remember Wells Fargo getting dissed on the forums some time ago, :lol: but I didn't turn up anything concrete on a search.


Does anyone have good or bad experiences they would like to share?


We are in the middle of refinancing, and out of frustration with one company's non-response, my husband called up the mortgage agent who handled the purchase of our home five years ago. He changed jobs and now works for . . . Wells Fargo.


From initial figures, it looks like he can put together a great deal for us. Is there some reason I should run screaming? :lol:



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We've had our mortgage with WF for a year and a half (it wasn't originally with them when we closed, just moved to them shortly after). We've not had any bad experiences and the couple of times I've needed to call them to have something handled, they've been very helpful. I'd rather not do business with WF because of their involvement in the whole bailout thing, but we didn't have a say in the matter.

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They are easy to work with and if you have a good mortgage guy, you are fine. If you were to need to short sale, one of the reasons they have such a bad reputation right now, they aren't so great with communication. You probably won't need to short sale so you will be fine. We deal with them a lot and they are easier to work with then Bank of America and Suntrust, both of those make me insane. :banghead:

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We had them for six years and we've never had a problem. I would watch the rates though. Our agent recommended a "free" no-fee refinance and when we compared rates, Wells was 1% over market. In other words, they would have made their fees back the first year and we would have been locked into an above market rate.

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We took out a loan for a mattress from Wells Fargo and I have been very unhappy and paid it off early just to get rid of them. It was supposed to be no-interest, but when our payment was late there was a huge late fee, even though we sent the payment a week in advance and twice the necessary amount. When I called to complain, there was nobody to answer the phone--the message only offered options to check your account status or to go online to read FAQs. So frustrating--from this experience, I wouldn't get a mortgage with them ever. I will go to our local credit union for ALL of our banking/loan needs. I know they won't be trying to fleece me at every turn!

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I'd rather not do business with WF because of their involvement in the whole bailout thing, but we didn't have a say in the matter.


Thanks for your comments. I confess to having only a vague understanding of current events. Briefly, what was their involvement in the bailout? *cringing while revealing vast ignorance*

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We had them for six years and we've never had a problem. I would watch the rates though. Our agent recommended a "free" no-fee refinance and when we compared rates, Wells was 1% over market. In other words, they would have made their fees back the first year and we would have been locked into an above market rate.


Hmmm, we will watch for this. For the moment, his rate is better than anyone else's--my husband has investigated three or four places.

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Thanks for your comments. I confess to having only a vague understanding of current events. Briefly, what was their involvement in the bailout? *cringing while revealing vast ignorance*


Like most big banks, they took funds in the bailout. That's all I'm referring to. Most credit unions didn't so for this reason AND others, I much prefer working with credit unions, but that's not always possible.

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Please run screaming!


We dealt with them for two years

about a short sale. We were selling our home

and had two mortgages on it. The second mortgage people kept

bickering with the first mortgage people and early on we lost

an offer that would have settled 90% of both loans.

They always claimed they hadn't received our financial

package and we had to submit a new package with

our finances almost every week! They never called us

back and kept sending us letters that they hadn't been

able to reach us, when we had been trying to reach them

*every* *single* *day*. They lied, they harassed, and

finally we were able to sell the house on short sale, and ended

up selling our house for $156,000 and

losing $36,000 on the price of the house and still owe

them $20,000. If they had agreed on the $179,000 offer

we originally received, the first mortgage would have been

100% paid and we would have been able to pay at least

half of the second mortgage. But because they were different

departments, they fought over the money, and the buyer

retracted her offer after a while. The second mortgage people

told us "We're entitled to part of that money." Now we still

owe them $20,000 and since we are paying in installments

financially it would have been better if they had taken more

money before.

Anyway, the worst was them constantly saying they "never

received" our documents. Whenever we resubmitted our

financial package they wanted updated everything. There

were harassing phone calls from a *third* department where

we had to go over *every* *single* expense on our budget,

and they would tell us we had to stop paying for classes for

our kid, that we had to take out a loan against our retirement

to pay them back. They would question us as to why we were spending

so much money on food. It was a NIGHTMARE. It went on

for almost two years.

Finally it was over. (But we are still paying.)

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I don't have them for a mortgage, but I do for an auto loan. Things got messed up and two months in a row the car payment was two days late. We got harassing phone calls from their collection department and dunning letters. Of course the letters say, "If you payment has already been mailed, then thank you."


The second month some guy from collections called and started yelling at me about how I am irresponsible and yadda, yadda, yadda.


Did I mention this was at 2 days late?


That loan is paid ahead and it will stay paid ahead until I pay it off two years early this September. I'll never do business with WF again.

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You can look up my past horrible experiences with them after we lost ou house in the flood of 2006. I still have a difficult time discussing them but I would never deal willingly again with them.

I have 3 seperate friends who work for WF and they recommend going elsewhere.

They do not speak to each others departments and even if one department tells you one thing another department can claim that it does not matter what they say.

Not liking them at all!

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Another bad experience with WF. I, too, will never voluntarily deal with them again. Our situation was similar to a PP...basically, due to a very long story, we ended up needing to short sale. We had one of the best SS experts working for us, a friend of ours, and WF would not work with us at all. She said that they were the worst ones when it came to customer service...just like the PP, they kept losing documents, saying they never got them, etc. It was like they just wanted to foreclose. Lots of other details that I won't bore you with, but we despise WF.

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Another bad experience with WF. I, too, will never voluntarily deal with them again. Our situation was similar to a PP...basically, due to a very long story, we ended up needing to short sale. We had one of the best SS experts working for us, a friend of ours, and WF would not work with us at all. She said that they were the worst ones when it came to customer service...just like the PP, they kept losing documents, saying they never got them, etc. It was like they just wanted to foreclose. Lots of other details that I won't bore you with, but we despise WF.


We have friends going through with this same thing with WF - been going on for close to a year. They send them paperwork, they say all is good and then they turn around and claim the never got it.


I will never deal with them voluntarily but then I belong to a credit union and our mortgage is with RBC.

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Our mortgage was through WF for about 6 years. It didn't start out with them originally. I think we started with Norwest. Anyway, WF sold our mortgage to BofA about 3 years ago. Now, I'm not thrilled with BofA. But, I had no problems with WF. I must say though, we are easy customers-bought within our means, always make our payments on time, no insurance issues, etc. When we were with WF, our homeowner's insurance forgot to send notification of our insurance to them. Our HOI is paid through escrow. They were very professional and resolved the issue quickly without stressing us out too much. This was 8 or so years ago.


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When we refinanced our mortgage was sold to Wells Fargo. We haven't had any problem with them to date. When I had to call customer service to have our escrow payments recalculated (they were overinflated) I had no problem coordinating with them and our city office to get them the correct information to have it changed.

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I had a fine experience with them, and they were under a rush, as our closing was very fast. My agent explained everything carefully, and once I asked a few "intelligent" questions, he ramped up the level of conversation appropriately. I appreciated not getting the "don't you want me to do this with your husband?" routine.

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Wow, what a huge variety of interactions!!


We just recently (a couple months ago) refinanced with Wells Fargo after going with some no-name originally to purchase our house 3+ years ago. Said no-name was very helpful at first and then dropped us like a hot rock somewhere in the middle & immediately transferred the mortgage to Countrywide (which got bought by BofA) upon completion - grrr! In fact, having so many problems with no-name was one of the 2 main reasons why I went with a major company to refi.


The other big reason was location - the WF bank is right down the street and the loan officer has an office there, so all my appointments could be in person. That was a HUGE HUGE HUGE plus!! We could have gotten much lower fees going with an online company, but it seemed like a large number of complaints were given about documents "missing in the mail" or "not received yet", etc, and people not being able to get ahold of the loan officer when they needed to.


Our refi was painless and wonderful - the loan officer was kind, helpful, available and definitely someone I will do business with again if possible. The rate was acceptable, and the fees were probably above average, but the experience was really good & easy (which, honestly, made any added expense worth it). She got everything done quickly, correctly & without incident.


We've also banked at WF for more years than I can remember, and it is great to have my mortgage stuff right in with my other online banking items instead of having to hop around. :)


After extensive research into other loan refi options, I determined that I was willing to pay a premium to be able to walk down and HAND someone paperwork and go in and YELL at someone if I needed to!! :D (although thankfully I didn't!)

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Oy. The documents lost thing is familiar - just the other day, my mother was saying to me that she's had to submit her deceased dh's death certificate three times now and they still haven't cleared up the issues. Our refi was with them... So far so good... But a scary thread...


Anyway, the worst was them constantly saying they "never

received" our documents. )

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