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Does this annoy anyone else?

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I don't get annoyed. My kids are modest. I would think the person was talking about someone else. I do agree that more clarification about what is or isn't acceptable is much better.


I do not like writing on the back of pants- specifically wouldn't like the Juicy pants. I am sure I would wonder what kind of mother that girl had. That type of outfit wouldn't be allowed at the public schools here and I would expect the homeschool groups to basically keep to the same type of rules as the schools. I haven't seen anything like that in the groups I have been a part of probably because they all have dress codes, and that type of thing would be against the dress code.

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I would think that there had been a problem of some kind with one family and the director is trying to address it without calling that person out. I would know that it didn't apply to my family and I wouldn't give it another thought.



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I guess annoy is too strong a word. Irk might be better.

It irks me when someone in charge of a kid's activity feels the need to remind the adults that "modesty is a must". Really?? At the Christmas program?? I was going to send my kids in their undies but I guess since "modesty is a must" I'll have them wear sweaters. :glare:


It kind of annoys me, but that's because I'm usually the one they're talking to/about. My idea of modesty is more liberal than those ideas of the people I hang around, and extracurricular with. I don't mind being respectful of their taste, and I've even changed what I allow my daughter to wear when we're hanging out with these people (e.g., tank tops), but ... this only works because we've discussed what offends, in specifics and with respect on all sides.


The generic "modesty is a must" comes down a bit more haughty (judgmental?), so that's the part that would annoy me. The messenger more than the message, I guess.


(I lived on an island; what's casual there is scandalous here in the Bible Belt :tongue_smilie:it's all subjective to our frame of reference!)

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I totally agree. I can imagine the whole "Juicy" pants thing playing out. My kid might be a really good kid, she gets excited over the silly pants, I decide it's not a hill to die on (no big deal) and I let her get/wear the pants. They are still covering her body. Juicy can describe a fruit. What's the big problem?


Are you serious?!

In the example you stated "juicy" is describing the REAR, not a fruit.


I get that many parents think it is not a big deal. Unfortunately, I have spoken with a number of men who *don't think fruit* when they see that. I decided that I don't want *my* little girl to be suggesting anything to anyone thank-you-very-much.


So, to each his own, and if anyone wants their kid to be allowed to wear "juicy" pants, so be it. But please don't even suggest that it could be about fruit. Come on.

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Just as an aside...

It was about 40 degrees today (where I live).

Brought the kids to the supermarket.

6 year old asked me, very loudly, why that girl over near the broccoli was wearing pink underwear.

"Yeah." was my answer and then I directed his attention elsewhere, asked a distracting question, and we moved on. Thankfully he let it drop.

(I should have answered, very loudly, that she was either very warm from lots of exercise or wanted attention.)


The young lady was wearing SHORT shorts. They did, honestly, look like a pair of briefs. And yes, she was wearing a heavy winter coat with those teeny tiny shorts.


I agree with those who said that the people who *are* being immodest will likely not even realize the hint is meant for them. I think the dress code needs to be spelled out.

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