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thinking of having all kids sleep in same room

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Bedtime is wearing me out. The main problem is my 2-year-old, who will no longer fall asleep by himself. He had to have someone sit in the room with him until he falls asleep.


Meanwhile, I have two girls who have their own little bedtime routines that require Mommy. Often they are left waiting while I try to get ds settled.


It occurred to me tonight that if they all slept in the same room, I could just sit in a rocking chair and knit or something till they all fell asleep, and then I would be finished, instead of having to go through it all three times.


So has anyone done this? I'm trying to figure out the logistics. They would still all need a place for their clothes and other things, and dd6 needs a place where she can be alone sometimes.

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I have 4 all together in 1 room. 7 yr old in a single bed, 5 and 3 yr olds in bunk beds and 18month old in a cot. It works great for us. We tried to separate them (into 2 pairs) but they were unhappy. Your dd6 could use one of the old bedrooms as her space during the day.

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My 2 5yo girls share a room and bed. When I was their age, four of us shared one small bedroom. It is not a problem at all. If the kids decide to play, you set up consequences and follow through. They will learn to go to bed.


If you decide not to put them together, why not put the 2yo to bed after the girls' bedtime routine is done?

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I don't think it's going to work, because dd4 snores, and dd6 can't tolerate it.


Ideally, my husband would be home at bedtime every night like he was tonight. I got the girls in bed easily while he stayed with ds.


I guess I'll have to switch to getting ds to bed last. Dd6 can play with him while I put dd4 to bed, then he can snuggle with me and dd6 while I tuck her in. Then I'll sit in his room however long it takes, I guess. It still takes forever, but at least the girls will get more sleep.

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Bedtime is wearing me out. The main problem is my 2-year-old, who will no longer fall asleep by himself. He had to have someone sit in the room with him until he falls asleep.


Meanwhile, I have two girls who have their own little bedtime routines that require Mommy. Often they are left waiting while I try to get ds settled.


It occurred to me tonight that if they all slept in the same room, I could just sit in a rocking chair and knit or something till they all fell asleep, and then I would be finished, instead of having to go through it all three times.


So has anyone done this? I'm trying to figure out the logistics. They would still all need a place for their clothes and other things, and dd6 needs a place where she can be alone sometimes.


So right now do you have two available bedrooms, or three (one per kid)?


In our house, bedrooms serve as sleeping rooms. We don't really play in there, or hang out in there, ... they're pretty much just where we sleep. With two bedrooms available you could designate one as a sleep room, and the other as a playroom/storage (dressers). I've always found it helpful to have the clothes, etc. in a room separate from the sleep room. If your 2 year old still naps, this would give the girls a place to still play and change during his naps -- it's essentially a bed-less bedroom :)


If you have the third room available, you could set it up as a little guest room or spillover playroom; your older girl could use it as a getaway when she needed it and if anyone was ever sick or just super cranky, you'd have an extra bed at your disposal for minimal disruption to the other kids.


I shared a room growing up; my kids share a room now. I think what makes it work is the designation of Sleep Room, rather than trying to squeeze everyone's everything into one bedroom and expecting it to multi-function in a small space.

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I don't think it's going to work, because dd4 snores, and dd6 can't tolerate it.


Ideally, my husband would be home at bedtime every night like he was tonight. I got the girls in bed easily while he stayed with ds.


I guess I'll have to switch to getting ds to bed last. Dd6 can play with him while I put dd4 to bed, then he can snuggle with me and dd6 while I tuck her in. Then I'll sit in his room however long it takes, I guess. It still takes forever, but at least the girls will get more sleep.


:lol: Does DD6 expect to ever share a college dorm room or get married?


I had two sisters who talked in their sleep, and I'd grind my teeth; our other sister had to put up with a lot, sharing a room with us! But she married a snorer, and all her years of living with us trained her to sleep right on through anything he could snort her way LOL.


Would it work if you got DD6 to sleep first, or does the snoring wake her?


I remember how hard it was trying to be there for everyone, getting them all to bed; it's only been a few years that I've been in the clear. :grouphug: I had to keep telling myself that one day I'd be old, and I'd want them to sit in the room with me, too, no matter how much of a time-waster or life-drain it was for them. Some days it helped, some days it didn't. It's tiring during those younger years, isn't it?

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My four sleep in the same room, and my younger two keep their clothes in there. The older two keep their clothes (and things they don't want their little brothers to touch) in the smaller bedroom next to it. A third bedroom serves as a playroom.


It can definitely work, you just have to be clear from the start that there will be no talking or playing at bedtime.

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My 3 girls shared a room till they were 10, 9, and 7. It was because there was no option, but it worked well anyway, and they certainly didn't mind.


As far as storage for clothing - their hanging clothes were in our wardrobe, and they had a chest of drawers for folded clothes in the living room. Worked fine, and if anyone needed alone time they could use my room.


Rest times in the day involved one using the couch, one in my room, and one in their room. They all got their own space & quiet time that way. Bedtime worked fine too, as the house was so small that we could hear every noise from the living area, and were able to call out that it was time to be quiet!

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