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I hate potty training!!

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This is my fifth child that I'm training, my third boy. Why doesn't it get easier?


He is 3 1/2! He has no interest in using the toilet. He doesn't care if he soaks himself. I've tried all kinds of bribes. I've tried threats (which I've never done before!) I'm now up to offering 15 minutes of video game time if he "pees" 30 minutes if he "poops"


He is capable of holding it for hours. The first day he barely went, and just competely filled his diaper at night.


I do think I'm making some progress, but it is very small.


He just keeps saying, "I don't want to" This child want to stay a baby.


My dh held a sweet little newborn this week, he handed her to me and said, "Does it make you feel like having more?" :glare: Not while I'm in the middle of potty training! I don't want to have to do this ever again.

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my fifth child, also a boy, also 3 1/2!

You're right, it ain't fun.

He actually did pretty well the first week, except for bm's.

I finally told him we would be spending the entire day in the potty until he pooped so he should pick out what books to look at while he's in there.

Well he hates to miss out on whatever his siblings are doing, so that did the trick.

Finding the right motivator is the tricky part!


Best wishes...

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I'm with you. I feel your pain. Working on child #6, dd who is practically 3, and has just started using the toilet although not consistently. :glare: I simply cannot afford the diapers for her anymore now that we have a newborn who seems to soil a diaper every 10 minutes. Dd will use the potty to pee, but rarely use it for a bowel movement. She has had numerous bm's in her pants, which never stays in the pants...:glare: Biggest problem? When she does use the potty for a bm, she doesn't wipe herself and doesn't tell anyone she's gone. So...even if she DOES use the potty, she still soils her pants and gets "poop" everywhere. We can't win. So, sorry I have no advice...you'd think I'd have a better handle on this w/ #6. AND, this is a girl! Aren't they supposed to be easier? My first dd potty trained herself by age 2 1/2! My boys were a bit more difficult (I had one still using diapers at age 4!). Good luck!

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He actually pooped in the potty first, because I told him boys who poop their pants can't play video games. I was only offering candy for him to "pee", not a good enough motivator. He started bargaining with me, asking if he could play video games if he went. I do not want to buy another box of diapers. He is going to get potty trained!:)


Sue, I feel for you. Trying to train a child while having a newborn is so hard. I think they wait for you to sit down and nurse and then announce that they have to go. I hope she gives in for you.

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hee, hee


That's funny. He gets the idea, just won't do it. To get him to go at first, I put the potty seat in front of the tv and let him watch what he wanted. (He normally doesn't watch a lot of tv) He liked that, but I don't really want to keep that up. He did go, and got to see what I meant, but still won't go to the bathroom to go.

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I am having a hard time too. I am potty training a super hero. He can go, but he won't take off the silly costume. In fact, he thinks he looses his essence of superness when he takes it off.


He wears it day and night, off only at church. I do take it off regularly, handwash it, and put it back on him.


I actually have to wean him from the costume. He just turned three.


It was cute, now it's a pain. :banghead::glare:



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You guys are going to think I'm nuts, but I *do not* potty train. After trying to do so with the first 3 boys, it just about killed me.


My boys eventually train themselves. Seriously. Right now my 2 1/2 year old is begging to go to the potty, but I tell him "no." LOL. This way, he goes into the bathroom and does it himself.


I will not allow him to wear underwear until his diaper stay dry and he is pooping in the toilet on his own.


This has been a saving grace for me! So easy. So freeing. What a relief.





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My 3 year old ds is finally potty trained. He also didn't want to stop being a baby. I assured him that he will always be my baby just like his older brothers are my babies. For some reason that helped him along with the fact that he didn't like getting wet. I'm glad that I had that on my side. Good luck. It isn't easy but so worth it once it is done.

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I feel I have just found my WTM twin in you! Even our kids, same gender order, are just about the same ages! I have not started potty training my 3 yo, who has zero interest. I just don't want to...but I am expecting a baby in November and would rather not have the cost of 2 in diapers. Maybe I'll start on Monday... :glare:

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I totally feel your pain. I hate potty training, too. We're working with child #4, and you would think I'd have the process down by now.


Like your child, she wants to be a baby. She's 3, and while she'll pee if I put her on the toilet, and stays dry for long periods of time, she can't seem to figure out when she needs to go on her own. If I don't take her periodically, she'll wet her pants. She also won't tell me if she needs to poop. I have a treat box with all sorts of things she likes, and she's been able to go in the toilet twice, but usually goes in her panties.


*sigh* I'll be glad when this is over...


She *could* be trained. She even stays dry at naptime, consistently, and she's never had an accident when we're out in public. She's had several day stretches where there have been no accidents (as long as I take her every few hours), and then a day where she's wet 4 times in one day.

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I am so glad to find other moms in misery too... Sylvia is as stubborn and willful as they come. She could go potty if she wanted to... but she doesn't. Nothing motivates her. Honestly, I don't want to clean the carpet every 10 minutes. Surely there's a better way!! She's almost 39 months. :glare:

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It must be potty training misery day. My guy is 3 yrs 7 months. He is so stubborn! He will pee in the potty almost every time I tell him, but he never just goes by himself. We did have some kind of small breakthrough today with pooping. I put him in undies and he did tell me when he had to go poop. He just never quite actually goes on the potty. He waited until I wasn't watching him like a hawk and went a little in his pants. I know it doesn't sound like a triumph, but it was the first time he kept telling me he had to go poop and would run to the potty. Now we just need to get him to actually poop while he is on the potty. We are going to start doing fun preschool stuff in the fall with a family friend and her little guy. He has seen the Alphabet Art book and I have read a few of the fun stories in it. This may sound mean, but I have told him if he isn't out of diapers, that he won't be able to do "school" with Miss Laurie, Kameron and mommy. He really seems to have latched onto that idea and seems to want to try at least. It amazing how many things I have tried to convince him he wants to be a big boy. Ugh!

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