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VP Self-Paced history & Classical Conversations


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Can these two programs work together? We're considering CC for next year, but my son is really, really enjoying his current VP self-paced history, so I'd like to continue that.


Will the two programs conflict with each other, or would the timeline differences be minimal???





We use them together. You will cover all 160 timeline cards every year with cc, but the 24 history sentences you memorize will correspond with the cc cycle (this year is cycle 3, American history). I roughly tried to line up history by having dd10 do Exp to 1850 this year. I'm not too concerned with lining history up exactly, as I consider all memory work for cc to be pegs to hang future knowledge and not necessarily something we're going to totally flesh out while memorizing. I love VP self paced and so does dd10 , and I think it works well with cc.



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The timeline cards will be different next year as CC is changing their timeline. They are not producing activity books with it or anything like that so far so you could continue doing self-paced just fine with CC. I am planning to as well :-) Some people think of it as a negative that CC will have a new, different timeline than VP, but I actually think I have come to see it as a plus b/c CC organized the VP cards differently and I think that would confuse them when taking VP self-paced classes. Now they can be separate in their heads and give them TWO great timelines in their head to use.


I don't know if you are going in order with VP, but we are planning to loosely line it up with CC like this:


Cycle 1A: OT/AE

Cycle 2A: MARR

Cycle 3A: Ex-1815

Cycle 1B: NT/G&R

Cycle 2B: SOTW

Cycle 3B: 1815-Present (what we are doing this year)


So next year we will do OT/AE and the following time we do Cycle 1 we will do G&R. This expands on our history sentences, but b/c we have a timeline in our heads it is ok for us to skip around......



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I'm doing both. This is our second year doing the VP self-paced course. We love both VP and CC. Honestly, we have a hard time fitting the VP course in consistently, so we are behind... If your child is in Essentials as well, there's only four days to get all of your other academics in, including the assigned grammar and writing from Essentials. It's worthwhile, but I do admit, sometimes history or science slides. Hopefully, we'll make up ground in the Spring when we are done with CC. We will finish continue with both VP and CC, though, because we find them both

enjoyable and valuable.

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