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S/o poll for non-working spouses

Do you have an account or multiple accounts that are in your name-cc, utility, etc  

  1. 1. Do you have an account or multiple accounts that are in your name-cc, utility, etc

    • Yes
    • No

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Yes, credit cards from before we were even married. Virtually all credit since then has been joint. We purposely put the house and car notes in both of our names. All the utilities are always in my name because whenever we move, he is too busy signing into his new unit and doing paperwork to do home stuff. That's my job.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I didn't vote in the poll because I'm technically employed (though I don't work regularly, and often take years off at a time). I don't have anything in my name - mortgage, car, credit cards, utilities, cell phones, nothing. The only exception is a bank account he already had, to which he added me when my paychecks started to get direct deposited; so my name is on it, but he's the primary and it's his account in name (though my account in pratice - he never accesses it).


That's all by my personal preference and choice; my husband has long offered -wanted- to add me, but respects my wishes to keep everything in his name only. Because of his job, we've always had a POA that allowed me full access to anything I needed or wanted that was in his name only.

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I am the primary on one card and the only person on another card. I don't have utilities in my name because we got a better rate or discount or no penalty if in my dh's name since he is military. (For example, because the cable, computer and phone bill were in dh's name, we didn't have to pay a penalty when we canceled the service because dh was transferred).

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I have my own credit cards and electric/cell phones/trash are in my name. DH has his own credit card and the internet bill in his name. Everything else is a joint account.


I don't think we put that much thought into it. We paper/rock/scissors to see who gets to deal with the customer service people, so that ends up the name on the account. DH got the shaft with Charter!

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Yes, my Roth, some certificates of deposit, a savings account, and the internet bill are in my name or have me listed as primary. Two cars are in my name only, but just by oversight by me - I should've had MrTea listed as well. He gets the utilities to himself, and we share two houses and a mortgage.

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I have a credit card in my name alone, our cell phone account is mine from before we were married and one of our cars was recently paid off and was mine from before we married so in my name alone.


Just about everything else is joint except maybe some of the utilities that were in place before we married (we live in a house dh had before). I've never had a problem dealing with the utilities or anything else though, they just ask if I'm his wife. Maybe because we are a community property state?

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I have my own bank account with a credit functioning card linked to it. Some of the utilities are in my name, some are in his. The rent is under both names. When we are involved with social security, we both have permission to access each other's accounts. The long term savings account is in his name, though I have contributed a few grand.



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I wouldn't know off the top of my head whose name is on what....who is the primary, etc. Both of us are listed on all "big" things. I have had probs in the past with one of us not being able to change something because the other one's name is on it. It's gone both ways and it's always annoying.

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I have three major CCs and the telephone/internet in my name only. I'm primary (name first on the accounts) for our checking with two different banks and the vehicle insurance.


Dh has the mortgage, both vehicles, one CC, the water, electricity and the cell phone.


I'm on the registration for one vehicle. I'll have to go through a bit of trouble to get the truck in my name should dh die. but I have enough insurance that if it were too much trouble I'd just buy a new truck.

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well when we got married,I worked at a bank and I just added hubby to my account-meaning he's the one working,but I'm the "head" of the account (if it makes sense)---I have a couple of bills that are in my name -life insurance/store charge card--most of the major stuff is in his name though-but I'm added onto a few of his loan accounts so I can call and find out how much is due/etc without causing a mess LOL

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I am the primary on all utility accounts and phone accounts because I set them up. Some are in my name only, I guess because they didn't ask for a secondary at the time. I have my own bank account, and then Dh and I have a joint one. Mine was for my business, and will be again when I start up next year.

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Yes, I have two credit cards in my name. I am also the primary with my DH as secondary on both of our car loans as well as our checking and savings accounts. We are joint on the mortgage. Several of our utilities are also in my name.


BTW.. I am a SAHM and have been for about 15 years now. I have a very high credit score and have never had any trouble getting any type of credit. I have never had to have DH co-sign anything.

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I replied no for Hubby. I keep track of everything, and it is much easier if it is all in my name. The couple of times his name has been on it, I've had to have him tell someone on the phone he just can't hear well enough to get details right on the phone and to please talk to me. It is a hassle for all concerned.


To make hubby safer, I have made my 100% honest, calm, kind, and an attorney brother my POA. If I drop dead, he can clean up all the financial loose ends for hubby.

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Our bank accounts and one credit card are joint. I'm the primary on the cell phone account because I had much better credit when we set it up. I'm the only one on the other utilities, and I have several credit cards in my name only (three from before we married, two since). DH is an authorized user on two of them. We are both on the rent. The car is in DH's name only, AFAIK - but that's the deed and nothing else - it's a cheap old car.

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