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does allergic to cats mean other hairy creatures too?

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My daughter is allergic to cats and dogs (tested +100 on her blood draw allergy test though she is around dogs in our neighborhood-stopping to pet them-and NEVER has a reaction-her allergies usually manifest themselves as severe eczema)....

We know the cats one is valid as when she pets on or they lick her, she gets welts immediately....

We are just wondering, if she is allegic to cats, would she also be allergic to pets like bunnies/hamster/guinea pigs etc..?

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She'd have to be tested to know for sure.


I'm allergic to dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters, gerbils, horses, etc. There are some dogs and cats that I can be around, but I have to keep my hands washed. On the other hand, there are cats and dogs that instantly send me into a serious asthma attack without even touching them.


The smaller furry animals cause me welts, itchy, asthma, etc. I haven't been able to handle any, which is sad because I'd love to do so.

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My husband was allergic to cats, but with constant exposure he overcame the allergy to our current cats. It takes him a few weeks to get used to any new cats. He is terribly allergic to guinea pigs, but not gerbils or rabbits :confused:. Some dogs also bother him.

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Not necessarily. My dd is allergic to cats. She can be around them and even pet them. She will usually have to wash her hands though after and be very careful to avoid touching her eyes. She also has skin irritation if they lick her.


She is somewhat allergic to dogs. Our dog doesn't seem to cause any reaction, but recently we were visiting ds, who has two golden retrievers. Her eyes were puffy for several days.


As far as other small animals, we've never noticed a reaction. Her allergies seem mild overall. I know my brother is very allergic. He came to visit one year. He walked in the front door and right out the back. He became congested immediately.


You will have to see what animals effect your dd. Hopefully, if she's wanting a small pet, she'll be able to have one. I know my dd loves animals and wants to have several of her own when she is older. It's so hard to be a pet lover and know you're allergic to them.

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I would say that it depends. I am allergic to cats - I can be in a room with a couple, but if I pet them, I have to wash my hands right away or I will get hives and itchy watery eyes. I don't get that reaction from dogs. I volunteer at an animal shelter and work with dogs. I can't go into the cat room or I get an asthma attack. My chest gets tight if someone leaves the door open to the cat room.

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She would probably have to be tested to be sure.

We have small rodents and my boys do fine. I have one very allergic to cats, the other is more allergic to dogs but reacts to both. My dh is terribly, terribly allergic to both cats and dogs. We were fine with our rabbit and are now okay with our mice. Ds8 did have a skin test that came back positive for allergies to small animals as well. We've ignored those because he doesn't have a negative reaction and the poor kid just loves animals.

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