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Netflix-has anyone else noticed there are WAY less items avail for streaming now?

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Ever since they did the split into charging separately for streaming and dvds, I'm noticing they have significantly reduced how many things are available for streaming!


One particular example-the NOVA documentaries: my dc were really into these at the time of the price change, so I specifically checked before switching to streaming only, and there were a whole bunch of them. Now there are not many at all!


Also the selections avail for kids' movies, etc, have been really cut back-we are having a hard time finding anything to watch anymore! The kids will say, Let's watch ...., and it is only avail on dvd. This is happening over and over again.


I'm just about to cancel my streaming subscription! :glare:

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interesting as we had a lot of trouble streaming a movie last night and dh wanted different movies and none were available.


Who else offers streaming? We just got a blue-ray that has a netflix button but if it isn't worth it we will cancel the netflix.

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I haven't noticed a decrease, but we have a lot of tv series in our queue. The documentaries, including NOVA all seem to still be there. We changed internet providers when AT&T decided to cap bandwidth, so that's not an issue for us anymore. I'm happy with Netflix streaming, and even though we also have Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus, I find myself choosing Netflix over those often.

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I haven't noticed a decrease either. It may just be that their contract expired with the Nova documentaries, or something like that. There is a lot of turnover on what is available sometimes, but I find that they still have a great selection. But like the previous poster said, we mostly do tv shows here as well.

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I canceled mine. It just isn't worth it, plus Netflix eats up my bandwidth allowance (set by my cable internet company). Even with their low setting it consumes more than any other streaming source.


That is good to know. We might look into Amazon. AT&T is all that I can get here, and the cap is scaring me.

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I've actually noticed an increase. Netflix has contracts with various studios, and those contracts are for certain periods of time and when the contract expires without being renewed, Netflix can no longer offer those things. Netflix, as far as I know, would love to keep renewing contracts but the studios are demanding more money for them. If Netflix pays higher fees, they have to pass that along to us, thus the hike in prices. And everyone gets mad at them about that. :p


Amazon's selection is horrible last time I checked. And I love Amazon normally.

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We noticed there is less that we are interested in though the documentary selection continues to be excellent.


We may cancel. The sorting mail sorting facility nearest us is slated to be closed by USPS and first class mail is going to take two days longer to get here. So, we'll be up to waiting three-four days for discs to arrive for the things that aren't available on streaming. By the time watch the three discs, have it take three-four days to get back and then another three-four days for the next set to get here, we aren't going to get our money's worth. We can rent what we want once per week (except the documentaries, that's the thing we keep going back and forth about) at the video store for a lot less than what we are paying for netflix. Still, those documentaries...if they cut-back on streaming those, well...we'll definitely be parting company.



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Ever since they did the split into charging separately for streaming and dvds, I'm noticing they have significantly reduced how many things are available for streaming!


One particular example-the NOVA documentaries: my dc were really into these at the time of the price change, so I specifically checked before switching to streaming only, and there were a whole bunch of them. Now there are not many at all!


Also the selections avail for kids' movies, etc, have been really cut back-we are having a hard time finding anything to watch anymore! The kids will say, Let's watch ...., and it is only avail on dvd. This is happening over and over again.


I'm just about to cancel my streaming subscription! :glare:


I've noticed just the opposite, there are more things available. Nothing we watch was discontinued and there are more things in my instant cue than before.

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A lot of the children's programming was moved from "regular" Netflix to "Just for Kids" Netflix.


Kinsa-where is this?


And thanks to onemom for the tip on the documentaries!


So I guess maybe it is just the type of things we're looking for have reduced then-we don't watch any adult type movies or any tv shows or anything-primarily documentaries and kids stuff.

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I have never seen anything streaming on Amazon that I couldn't get on Netflix. But, that is only what I have looked for.


Netflix contract with Starz expired and whoever owns Starz decided not to renew. I know Disney was a part of that.


What I have noticed is that there are many more TV series streaming on Netflix. This is great for me because I don't have any broadcast TV in my house. I only get what streams online. I am getting to check out a bunch of TV shows I have been hearing about for years.

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I agree completely!! I used to go to Dramas/or other genre and have about 50 movies to go through or more...now there are about 15 and one week I looked half of them were Asian dubbed titles!! I mostly watch BBC series and today found that they have a few holiday movies we have watched and liked....we cancelled cable and just use an antennae to get local channels (about 15 of them)...we tivo what we want and really, with 3 teens we do not have much time to watch anything, but it is making me reconsider cancelling netflix...we could use the $10 for a family movie night at the dollar movies...

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Netflix contract with Starz expired and whoever owns Starz decided not to renew. I know Disney was a part of that.


What I have noticed is that there are many more TV series streaming on Netflix. This is great for me because I don't have any broadcast TV in my house. I only get what streams online. I am getting to check out a bunch of TV shows I have been hearing about for years.


From what I understand, the Starz contract will expire at the end of February, so anything from Starz should still be available until then.


We cancelled Directv, and use an antenna plus a Roku box. There are a lot of tv shows I didn't watch the first time around, (some are still running but have been on for several seasons) so I have plenty to watch for a long time.

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I think there's a definite ebb and flow of what's there that we do or don't want to add to our queue. Right now, I would describe our queue as bloated rather than skimpy.


I second a previous poster on keeping an eye on InstantWatcher. I check that regularly to make sure I catch new things I am interested in before they become unavailable.


Erica in OR

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I haven't noticed fewer items available either.


We are quite happy with our Netflix.




I haven't noticed a decrease, but we have a lot of tv series in our queue. The documentaries, including NOVA all seem to still be there. We changed internet providers when AT&T decided to cap bandwidth, so that's not an issue for us anymore. I'm happy with Netflix streaming, and even though we also have Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus, I find myself choosing Netflix over those often.
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Amazon has a nice selection of free streaming for Prime members.




Ah, yes, with the worst quality resolution EVER. It's unreal how bad everything I've tried to watch on Amazon has been.


Netflix lost its contract with Starz, which is the source of much of their newish content, including the "Starz Play" movies. However, I'm pretty sure it hasn't expired yet, it's just set to in the near future.


I've noticed that their movie listings seem to be worse, but that they're acquiring more and more TV shows. So... a mixed bag there, IMO. But it's always hard to tell because, as others have alluded to, Netflix has the worst search and listing feature EVER. Ever.

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Maybe that is the difference. We aren't big movie watchers, but we like TV shows. There is still a lot that Netflix has never had streaming which annoys me, but the ones I have saved are still there.




Ah, yes, with the worst quality resolution EVER. It's unreal how bad everything I've tried to watch on Amazon has been.


Netflix lost its contract with Starz, which is the source of much of their newish content, including the "Starz Play" movies. However, I'm pretty sure it hasn't expired yet, it's just set to in the near future.


I've noticed that their movie listings seem to be worse, but that they're acquiring more and more TV shows. So... a mixed bag there, IMO. But it's always hard to tell because, as others have alluded to, Netflix has the worst search and listing feature EVER. Ever.

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I just said something similar to my dh last night. I rarely used streaming when we had the dvd option, but when I did I usually found what I was looking for or something similar. I'm on the verge of cancelling as well. I'm not so happy w/Amazon Prime either. Their selection seems even weaker. Maybe, I'll check out Hulu. We mostly use it for kids' movies or docs.



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