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AoPS pre-algebra--where is your student now?

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My ds started in September and is now in Section 5. So far so good. I'm just curious about how far much of the program other students have worked through in first third of their academic year--not to compare :tongue_smilie: but looking for some points of info. I'm also curious about how much of the program the on-line course has completed.

Edited by yellowperch
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Dd started in September, using the book only. At the moment, she's in the summary exercises for ch 4, so she'll be starting ch 5 early next week. We are going slowly, in part due to scheduling issues (she attends a one-day-per-week PS program for homeschoolers, and it's been difficult to get a whole day's worth of math done on those days; then there are all those days off, as we're following her brothers' school schedule).

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We started in late August, pretty much as soon as the book came out. We're in Section 5.2 right now. She does AoPS four days a week and 'something else' on Mondays (she is at her dad's on Mondays and he's not much of a teacher, so I have to send over stuff she can do on her own). I have to confess tho, we are probably not as diligent with the challenge exercises as we could be - the chapter work and regular exercises I make her do until she gets them correct, but the challenge exercises we usually just take two runs at, and if she's still completely at sea after two tries, we just go over the answer and explain it. We spend about an hour a day on math.

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Oh, also, in case you are interested, I sat down yesterday to flip through the book and try to figure out where we'll be if we keep going at this rate. It looks like we'll be done with Chapter 6 by Christmas break (Chapter 6 is decimals, one of the easier chapters, and I think we can do it pretty quick - Chapters 1 & 5 have been the hardest so far!), and if we can keep going at something like the rate we've been going at, we should be done right about the time we wrap up our school year. I'm calculating this with an average of two days per section and three extra days at the end of each chapter for the review and challenge problems.

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My dd started the end of October. We've had a family crises which halted school for a while so I have no idea how much school she did for the first couple of weeks of November. She's doing the summary of Chapter 1 right now. She has worked every example and every problem so far which is a first for her for math programs, and she still loves it.

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My son started in September and is at the end of Chapter 4. He is using the book alone not the online class. I read the section notes with him and we solve the section problems together, then he does the end of the section questions by himself. I had hoped we would get further but my son is also taking the Intro to Programming online course which has taken a lot of his time, but has been a great experience.

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We started some time in September and we just finished 5.5. Chapters 1 and 2 were really slow, as she had to get used to the new way of thinking. Now we do a section about every 1-2 days, and take about 3 days for the chapter ends. I've definitely seen an improvement in how she thinks and I'm so happy we decided to do this book!

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