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Of all the things she lost in the tornado, it's the vintage stove....(pic)

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My cousin's house was hit by a tornado a week ago tomorrow. Devastated--- everything gone, and she's pretty banged up herself, with horrible feet because she had to walk through broken glass when she got out of what little was left of the house.


She and her husband have lost just about everything, including the trucking business he worked for (it was also hit) but you know what she's really sad about? Her WAAAY COOL STOVE! I have to admit, I"ve always loved it myself. It's the stove in the old tv show "Bewitched" and was in the house when Connie and Steve bought it. They never replaced it because it always worked just fine! Wanna see it? There's not much left of it now, but dang, it was a cool unit. A 1962 Frigidaire Flair. I even love the name!


This is not her actual kitchen, but the exact same stove. I found the photo on the internet.




Anyway, Connie and I are mourning the passing of the old Flair. Her husband is thrilled that the thing finally bit the dust! But we're sentimental about the old doll.....you know?

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what a devastating loss! I hope they are able to rebuild. Oh, my---I can't imagine!


So sorry about the loss of the stove---I was thinking at first it looks vintage 50's, like Ward & June Cleaver, but on second glance---60's is right! Very cool! Hope they can replace it with something even better!

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My cousin's house was hit by a tornado a week ago tomorrow. Devastated--- everything gone, and she's pretty banged up herself, with horrible feet because she had to walk through broken glass when she got out of what little was left of the house.


She and her husband have lost just about everything, including the trucking business he worked for (it was also hit) but you know what she's really sad about? Her WAAAY COOL STOVE! I have to admit, I"ve always loved it myself. It's the stove in the old tv show "Bewitched" and was in the house when Connie and Steve bought it. They never replaced it because it always worked just fine! Wanna see it? There's not much left of it now, but dang, it was a cool unit. A 1962 Frigidaire Flair. I even love the name!


This is not her actual kitchen, but the exact same stove. I found the photo on the internet.




Anyway, Connie and I are mourning the passing of the old Flair. Her husband is thrilled that the thing finally bit the dust! But we're sentimental about the old doll.....you know?


Hey! My sister has that stove. It is cool. Except when you bang your hip on the corner...or for toddlers walk into it. Ouch.

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