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Gloves/convertible mittens-anyone seen anything..

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There are tons of them in the stores here. I have two pairs - one just like these:



and a similiar pair in a pretty blue. Both my pairs even pop the THUMBS - I use then for x-country skiing because my hands get hot.


I love love love love these! If you put in "convertible mittens" on amazon.com, you will find some really cute ones.

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Very funny timing. I've just spent some time looking online for fingerless gloves for dd13, except she doesn't want the convertible type. She wants what looks like regular gloves with the fingertips cut off. She wants them solid black. It's not an easy search! I have to go to the mall soon and I'm going to check JC Penneys.


I found the convertible ones everywhere! I saw them today at Target and Kohls.

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I haven't seen lined ones like that... The warmest I've found are fleece-lined wool mittens, but that doesn't work so well for class. (Mittens tend to be better for Raynaud's because they keep the fingers together...) Another option is slim-fitting silk glove liners worn with convertible fingerless gloves/mittens like the ones you linked.


Btw, has your daughter's vitamin D level been checked? After my rheumatologist found me to be very, very deficient, I started supplementing and it has helped a *lot*. Really, genuinely made life easier. I still have to be careful in a few situations, but the episodes are far, far less frequent and less severe. So if I sound like an evangelist for vitamin D, well, lol, it's just 'cause it helped me a lot and *if* it can help someone else, it's such a simple thing to check and treat. :)

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Very funny timing. I've just spent some time looking online for fingerless gloves for dd13, except she doesn't want the convertible type. She wants what looks like regular gloves with the fingertips cut off. She wants them solid black. It's not an easy search! I have to go to the mall soon and I'm going to check JC Penneys.


I found the convertible ones everywhere! I saw them today at Target and Kohls.


Fingerless gloves: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=black+fingerless+gloves&x=0&y=0

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I love those. Around here they are called 'hunter mittens' or 'shooting mittens'. I get them at places like walmart in the sporting goods area. My sister got a pair that were colourful like that at Gap.


But, she might also like fingerless gloves. My friend's daughter also has that syndrome and she learned to knit just to keep herself in fingerless gloves and wool socks

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Yeah, I was looking at those but I read reviews complaining of looking/feeling cheap and having frayed threads upon arrival. I hate returning stuff by mail so I think it would be better if I can find them in person. It's one of the gifts I will be hunting for this coming weekend.

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